Never Forget
Never Forget
| 08 April 1991 (USA)
Never Forget Trailers

Mel and Jane Mermelstein are a true-life California couple, thrown into the spotlight of judicial history in the 1980s. Mel is a Hungarian-born Jew, sole-survivor of his family's extermination at Auschwitz, and Jane, a Southern Baptist from Tennessee. Their four children are good kids, typical Americans, with just enough orneriness to irritate each other, but enough love and class to pull together when it counts.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
kapelusznik18 True story of concentration camp survivor Mel Mermelstein excellently played by Leonard Nimoy-of Mister Spock fame-fighting the good fight against the holocaust revisionist IHR-Institute of Historical Review-who challenged Mel to either put up or shut up with his stories of his life as an inmate in a number of Nazi concentration camps like Auschwitz & Buchenwald in WWII. Told by the Jewish ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center that he went for help to ignore the IHR's challenge and not give them any publicity by doing it Mel instead went full tilt on his own snapping at its $50,000.00 offer by it in proving that there were gas chambers and crematories at the camps he was incarcerated in, for being Jewish, as well as later getting another $40,000.00 in damages for the pain and suffering that the IHR caused him and his family!Mermelstein first caught the eye of the IHR by going around telling school children as well as their parents of the horrors that he suffered at the hands of the Nazis in WWII losing his entire family in what was called the Nazi "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" in Nazi occupied Europe. Trying to shut him up the IHR planned to call his bluff in making his plight or accusations public thinking that he's really full of it and unable to prove what he's saying only to have him win in court a libel action against It. And also by it having to pay out almost 100 grand to him, not to mention the court costs, he brought the holocaust revisionist and in many cases denial organization to the point of bankruptcy! It also had its wear-house in California fire bombed three times by outraged citizens that destroyed most of its anti-Holocaust as well as anti-Semitic material that it was, in many cases free of charge , handing out to the public.As big as a victory it was for Mel Mermelstein at the time it may well have turned out to be a "Pyrrhic Victory" for him in the long run. That by giving the IHR free and undeserved publicity that has now, some 30 years later, spawned scores of like wise holocaust revisionist sites on the internet that are still around-Like IHR-with us now and unfortunately still growing all over the net or cyberspace. This makes me feel that if Mermelstein listened to both the ADL & Simon Wiesenthal Center to just ignore the slings and arrows being thrown at him by the IHR it as well as it fellow websites would have died an lonely and ignominious death or never would have come into existence in the first place!
s_810 For a made for TV movie, it's not actually all that bad. Leonard Nimoy does a fine job and it's nice to see him step out of the Spock role every once in a while.Unfortunately it's takes a complex court case and turns into a simple good v evil morality play. It also unfairly portrays the villains as Nazis and anti-Semites, which they are not.Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the movie is the celebration of the judge's decision to take 'judicial notice' of pivotal facts in favor of Leonard Nimoy's character as a great victory when in fact this single action has suppressed historian's ability to factually investigate and understand one of the major catastrophes of the twentieth century--the Holocaust.
NumptyB I watched this drama on television and was numb afterwards. You hear of flat-Earthers and 'lunar landings were fake' conspiracy theorists and just say to yourself "well - they pays their money... that's their beliefs and they're entitled to them..." Then 'Never Forget' shows you, through drama, the lengths the stuck minds and morally blind will go to to deafen themselves and others to the truth. We have our own paranoid denialists in Northern Ireland, who only see the wrong done them never the wrong they've done. They spout the kindred of the poison Mel Mermelstein had to put up with. A good portrait of a man driven by his convictions: Leonard Nimoy certainly deserves praise for telling Mel Mermelstein's story, let alone turning in a fine performance in the lead. Despite any dramatic licence taken I'd set this TV movie as course text for history at Ordinary Level: it is quite clearly still needed.
(Melinium) I thought this movie was great. Great acting (especially by Leonard Nimoy) and a great story based on the holocaust and the real people. Nimoy put in a great effort and it's not so surprising since he is a great actor and he's Jewish and this movie felt a great deal to him. If you get a chance to see it on TV or rent it on video, SEE IT. You won't regret it.