Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown
Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown
R | 13 September 2011 (USA)
Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown Trailers

Four fighters from different backgrounds come together to train under an ex MMA rising star and then ultimately have to fight each other and the traitor in their midst.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Mihai Toma Four fighters, each having different social lives and attitudes, aim to enter and win the Beatdown competition, so they turn to a former champion for guidance. A strong bond is created between three of them and the coach but the fourth decides to betray them and use all kinds of dirty tricks in his attempt to eliminate them one by one. In the end, they must face each other on the cage in order to prove who's best, taking vengeance at the same time on their ex-colleague, now turned into a threat for everybody.As in the first movie, backing down is never an option. Working hard, practicing both physically and mentally and controlling your emotions and feelings is the key to victory. An angry mind is a narrow mind as they often say. It's a more original plot, more composed than the one in the first movie, with several intrigues and a lot of action, ideal for keeping you entertained and curious about the fighters' evolution. This time, we're talking about a good movie and a great one for fighting enthusiasts (not that I'm one of them)!
Paul Magne Haakonsen For an action movie then this was as predictable as they come. Yep, it is one of those movies where an underdog receives a short period of training in martial arts, then rises to the occasion and wins despite impossible odds against many other well-trained combatants.Story-wise then "Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown" was rather generic and similar to many other similar movies before it. Actually it was almost a frame-by-frame copy of the first movie.What makes the movie somewhat worthy watching is the fight during the actual Beatdown event, but it doesn't take place before well over an hour into the movie. The rest of the movie was just, sorry to say, a rather mundane story.As for the acting, well I will say that it was adequate for the particular genre that it is. Just don't get your hopes up for academy award winning performances.This sequel is a blatant and unnecessary remake of the first "Never Back Down" movie, to the point where it was embarrassing to bear witness to. It wasn't a continuation or anything, and sure it was with other characters, but the plot and storyline was a copy and paste job that was made so hastily."Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown" is a mediocre action movie experience, although it does show some impressive fighting skills from Michael Jai White. It might be worth a watch if you enjoy fighting movies that is driven by the action and a solid storyline is left far behind in its wake.
Kingston Hawke The business side of movie-making dictates that the wider you cast your net, the more money you will make in return. This movie should be shown to anyone who subscribes to that theory as a cautionary tale.They literally tried to jam pack so many "can't miss" fight movie clichés into the script that by the end it sort of feels like Scary Movie 5 or something. I'm not even joking, it starts out solid, but half way through the movie when you notice they are just going to keep adding new story lines instead of developing the ones they've started I started scratching my head. Especially since the movie did just enough to not be rated PG-13. Literally, they could've deleted one flashing scene and not cursed so much and it probably would've been PG.I'm probably giving this movie a 5 only because my expectations were so low to begin with. If I'd of paid money and waited months to see this movie, I'd be irate! Especially since it could've been great if they'd of just scaled it back a bit. Having Todd Duffee in the movie may have seemed like a cool idea. But his WHOLE storyline is pointless and seems like an addition after the script was turned in. And that's on top of the fact that he's a garbage actor. You cut that WHOLE storyline, and devote that energy to further developing the two main characters stories and the movie may have been good enough to go to theaters.The ending needed changing as well. I'm guessing they were over budget and just needed to wrap things because it feels extremely rushed and anti-climatic. Hello... no one thinks the bad guy is going to win in this kind of movie, so how about not relying on selling us on that, and instead doing something dramatic. Bad guy should've sucker punched the boxer with the messed up eye, and the wrestler should've taken his revenge using something he learned and won the tourney. Pretty much the ending to Gladiator. In closing. If you're looking for a serious movie with substance, save your time. If you're an MMA fan that just wants to see some cool fighting, then maybe watch this movie if nothing else is on.
Pagero Marrero I honestly don't know why this movie only got 5.6 out of 10. This is the first movie I ever did a review on so you can believe its good. Michael Jai White does his thing in the movie. My favorite scene is when he fights like 6 cops handcuffed. All the UFC and MMA fighters did good acting wise except for one. I can't remember his name but he look like a white king-kong. His acting was horrible but everything else in the movie as far as story line, plot and all else was good. if you like this movie, like it at ! Michael Jai White always delivers. I am a big fan of his and love all his movies. I really thought this would be a fail looking at the trailer which SUCKED but the movie was awesome!