Nemesis 4: Death Angel
Nemesis 4: Death Angel
| 23 December 1996 (USA)
Nemesis 4: Death Angel Trailers

Alex shoots again. She has to kill a man, but shoots the wrong one. A high ransom is set on her, so she is visited by some head hunters. Well, she only could sit and wait and hope for a friend's help.

PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
The_Phantom_Projectionist The NEMESIS series went down the pipes the moment Olivier Gruner thought better of working with director Albert Pyun for the next 18 years. Though I'm a fan of replacement protagonist Sue Price and really wanted to like the sequels she starred in, I didn't before now and this movie certainly doesn't change things. NEMESIS 4 is in some ways the most interesting of the sequels and definitely more fun than the masterpiece of recycled footage that preceded it, but it's also a really bad action movie. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even call this an action film: this is an exercise in bizarre sci-fi sexuality, playing to a crowd of select aficionados whose interests are represented here.The story: In a dystopian future, Alex the part-human assassin (Price) kills the wrong target and is targeted by a procession of cyborg headhunters seeking revenge.Because Price is a world-class bodybuilder in the hands of a director who takes advantage of every asset he has, the NEMESIS sequels have always catered towards muscle appreciation by amply showing off Sue's mighty form. However, while the two before this have sought to titillate, this one tries outright to get you off. Price spends at least a quarter of her screen time naked, her breasts and butt unabashedly displayed. The movie goes even further to appease musculophiles by featuring two scenes wherein a naked Alex kills cyborgs by strangling them with her legs – even causing Nicholas Guest's eyeballs to pop and ooze blue slime over everything. However, the highlights of the film are what the MPAA described as "bizarre sexuality," for which a cyborg version of vaginal intercourse is graphically displayed and Alex has spikes protrude from her nipples to impale Norbert Weisser.I can't really say that this stuff is bad for what it is, and it does essentially supply the bulk of the film's entertainment value, but I can argue that it takes the place of what should have been action scenes. What's there in the way of action is extremely meager, limited to a tiny bit of gun-fighting for which Price never even broke a sweat. I would even be fine with that if the movie at least knew what to do with itself, but it turns out that this picture could be used as study material for Cinematic Idling 101. It starts good, with an entertainingly cryptic exchange between Alex and her handler (Andrew Divoff) that's followed by a couple of the crazier scenes, but after that, the movie becomes about Alex staying in one place and waiting for things to happen to her. Even when things do happen, so much time is given over to fruitlessly long dialogue exchanges that it's obvious director Pyun is stretching his material to reach the required runtime. Despite all the weirdness it has going for it, the movie ends up being boring, and that's the worst thing any movie can be.I don't expect another one of these sequels to pop up, and in that regard, it's disappointing that a series which had such a killer start petered out into this. The people who enjoy what's unique about this movie will probably *really* enjoy those parts, but beyond that, I don't see this one having too many fans. Sue Price seems to be done with acting, which is a shame given the underrepresentation of female bodybuilding outside of its own specific sector, but if films like these are a representation of what a longer career may have held in store for us, then I won't feel too bad about it.
Nullness I really liked Nemesis I. I thought everything about it was cool- the explosions were top-notch, the plot was way too complicated and confusing, the stupid one-liners were perfect. I watched Nemesis II and hated it. Gone was the hero from Nemesis I- oh yeah, that never even happened in the sequel. Apparently the director (whose other movies I love) has some sort of muscle fetish and decided to ruin what otherwise could've been some fun (albeit not very original) sequels by constantly bombarding us with disgusting images of a big-muscled she man. Nemesis II was just borring. Nonetheless, I thought I'd give Nemesis IV a try, hoping he'd come back to his senses. Nope. It's a little bit better than Nemesis II, and I can almost -almost- appreciate the director's attempt for some drama in one setting, what comes out looking like the most bizarre adaption of Reservoir Dogs I've ever seen. This movie's highlights are all the disgusting things in it- that's about it. But what's really disgusting is the muscle-bond ox I'm supposed to find sexy. I mean, she really makes me want to throw up. And the fact that she spends most of this movie standing around naked, flexing her muscles or otherwise looking bored (and I don't think I have to tell you she can't act), certainly didn't help me like this movie. God Damn the sequels to Nemesis. The first won showed a lot of pottential.
gridoon "Nemesis 3" featured so much recycled footage from "Part 2" that the story didn't seem to progress at all, and the result was an essentially pointless and useless movie. So Albert Pyun attempted here to drive the series to a different direction entirely. Problem is that by now few viewers still had the patience to follow his "vision", that had strayed so far from the original (and, by comparison, very entertaining) "Nemesis". Anyway, when a movie includes flashbacks to earlier films and lengthy closing credits that replay many of the "best" scenes we just saw and STILL runs only about 77 minutes, you know something's wrong.Sue Price's rippling muscles are the sole point of interest in this ultra-cheesy, badly acted production. (*1/2)
Anyanwu I believe that the primary focus was to give Sue Price fans and other female bodybuilding fans a chance to look at a female bodybuilder in the nude. That's fine up to a point. What you'll find here are obviously long drawn out scenes of dialogue with Sue Price standing in the scene naked. And I do mean long. I think what drew any of us to this video, and the others in the series is the potential for action by a female character. That does not happen. The long dialogue is way overdone. There is one scene which is so gratuitous, yeah that's the word I'm looking for, that you almost fall asleep. In a car Sue spends time discussing killing with her partner naked. It's a cool shot but just not for that long. They discuss their relationship, her wanting to get out of the business, yada yada yada. Very little action. I am not against the nudity, in fact I wished there was more of that kind of freedom in movies like this but nudity just for the sake of letting us see Sue nude is too much. The reason you cast Sue Price is to see her use her body in an imposing way. She has the capability of killing. So let her wield some weapons and do some killing. There was one great scene in Nemesis 2 or 3 where she pulled a Charli Baltimore and sprayed bullets as she was falling backwards off a building. That is the kind of stuff that a female hero is supposed to be doing. I feel sorry that more wasn't done with Sue because I thought she could have pulled off the character a lot better given more to do.