Neil Young: Heart of Gold
Neil Young: Heart of Gold
PG | 17 February 2006 (USA)
Neil Young: Heart of Gold Trailers

In March 2005, Neil Young was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Four days before he was scheduled for a lifesaving operation, he headed to Nashville, where he wrote and recorded the country folk album Prairie Wind with old friends and family members. After the successful operation and recovery period, he returned to Nashville that August to play at the famed Ryman Auditorium, once again gathering together friends and family for this special performance.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Prismark10 This concert film was directed by Oscar winning director Jonathan Demme and was apparently filmed just before Neil Young attended hospital to have a brain operation performed on him.The opening segments comprises of Young and fellow band members talking to the camera as they head towards the arena. The music and songs are mainly his acoustic set as the band (with guest vocalist Emmylou Harris) perform all but one of the ten numbers on the 'Prairie Wind' album and some of his classic's such as Harvest Moon.This is a must see for Neil Young fans and also showcases his acoustic songs and is gorgeously filmed.
wvmcl I've never been much of a Neil Young fan. This may be because it seems to be some of his worst material that has become best known, such as the patronizing "Southern Man" and the sappy "Heart of Gold" (the lyrics of which have always made me gag).This movie may not quite have made me a fan, but it has raised my opinion of Neil by a few notches, and of Demme by several. This is everything a concert film should be - focused on the music and the performance, with a minimum of distraction. There are no audience shots, thankfully, and interviews are limited to a few minutes at the beginning, just enough to let us meet the performers we'll be spending the next 90 minutes with. The DVD comes with the lyrics on subtitles, which should be standard on all concert films and videos, but unfortunately is still rare. This movie could be a template for all concert films and videos to come. I just wish they'd called it something other than "Heart of Gold."
paudie I really enjoyed this film. A must for all Neil Young fans.It is a concert film rather than a documentary so don't expect a "No DirectionHome" type of film. There are a few interviews from artists in the concert about how they met Young etc and a very brief comment at the start from the man himself.The first half of the concert footage featured songs from the Prairie Winds album. I hadn't heard any of this material before but thought it was excellent. Young says a few words before some of the songs and a lot of them seem to relate to memories of his childhood.Perhaps they were inspired on by his illness(he's now recovered), which is alluded to briefly.The second part of the film (filmed on a different night I believe) features many of the classics from Young's long career.I heard someone coming out of the cinema saying they could have watched that film all night and can only agree.
freekwellerdieck As the first genre listed on IMDb for this "movie" was Documentary i watched it expecting a documentary. As it turns out that genre is probably only referring to the first 5 or so minutes of the movie. The rest of the runtime is just a concert registration, which was a shame for me. I'm not a fan of Neil Young or his music, i just watched the movie to watch a legend talk, the same way i watched Walk The Line to broaden my horizon, even though I'm no fan of Johnny Cash.The concert is well played and well recorded, but if you're not into Neil Young it's not very entertaining. There is hardly any show element, it only proves that he can play live just as well as in a studio.