Nazi Love Camp 27
Nazi Love Camp 27
R | 31 August 1977 (USA)
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When World War II breaks out, two German lovers are cruelly separated. While he is sent to fight at the front, she, a Jewish girl, is sent to a concentration camp where humiliation and death have been elevated to a sinister art.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
naomiengland Nazi Love Camp isn't really shocking to me. There is more acting in this. Did the actors study the method acting in New York, along with Dean or Brando? Maybe, There is more a story to this.A Jewish woman, very nice looking women falls in love with a Nazi. The love they for each other is very genuine and the acting is no way wooden. The shooting of this movie is very colorful.There is realism in Nazi Love camp. Most Nazi's were having affairs and falling in love with Jewish women. The heart sometimes fall for people they shouldn't, this is a very touching and I did shed some tear over, Nazi Love Camp. Plus those German are very yummy.
lazarillo Even as a hardened Italian trash aficionado, there are two kinds of Italian movies I usually avoid. One is the "mondo" movies that feature real animal (and occasionally human) slaughter. The other is the "Nazi sexploitation" films which are definitely in what John Water's would call "bad bad taste" as opposed to "good bad taste". I have seen a couple of the French Eurocine rip-offs like "Hell Train" and "Elsa, Fraulein of the SS", which were less extreme and much more laughably inept than the Italians films. I've also seen the two serious and arty (and pretentious) films--"The Night Porter" and "Salon Kitty"--which inspired the whole misbegotten Nazi sex "genre". I've even TRIED to watch a couple of the actual Nazi sex flicks like the one in the "Grindhouse Vol.1" DVD collection and the one that's on a disc with "Escape from a Woman's Prison", but I found them both way too vile and depressing and couldn't make it past scenes of the naked "Jewish" women dead in the shower/gas chamber covered with their own excrement (that's too much for me).I made it through this movie though, which says something about it I guess. It is much better made than most of the others and a little more tasteful. The director Mario Caino is not a talentless hack like Bruno Mattei, Sergio Garrone,or some of the others who crapped these things out. It is a weird(and historically inaccurate) combination of Nazi brothel/"joy division" type film like "Salon Kitty" and a Nazi death camp type film like some of the others. The protagonist (Sirpa Lane)is Jewish, but working at a brothel. I'm not sure that anyone knows she's Jewish, but the movie seems rather confused on this point (one of her fellow brothel workers is named Goldberg and also presumably Jewish). The real Nazis were nowhere near as sex-obsessed as the Italians made them out to be and they certainly wouldn't have countenanced ANY Jewish women servicing German soldiers in brothels. Anyway, the heroine becomes involved in sadomasochistic relationship with the Nazi camp commander (after a highly contrived scene where he strips her naked and tries to entice his German shepherd to rape her, and she defends herself against man and dog with a conveniently handy bull-whip). As a result, she rises to become head madam of the brothel where her Jewishness THEN, of course, becomes a problem.Sirpa Lane is much better than usual here, but that's not saying much if you've seen her in "The Beast", "The Beast in Space", etc. Cristina Borghi, who later became a fairly respected Italian actress, is also in the cast somewhere--she's listed in the credits as "naked prisoner", but that really doesn't narrow it down too much. There's a lot of female nudity and a mixture of consensual sex, non-consensual rape, and semi-consensual prostitution. A couple naked girls get tied up and flogged, but this movie lacks a lot of the gleeful torture scenes of the others. It's not really very erotic (if that's the intention),but neither is completely repulsive.
lastliberal While this isn't one of the infamous nazisploitation video nasties like Gestapo's Last Orgy or Love Camp 7, it would have probably made the list if they tried to release it in Britain.It is nazisploitation, make no mistake, even though it has more of a story than the similar Salon Kitty.A Jewish couple are separated by war and she (Sirpa Lane) is sent to a love camp to service German soldiers. It includes an average of about eight breasts a minute, rape, actual penetration, lesbianism, bloody caning, eugenics, girl-on-girl,: all the features of a typical nazisploitation.Soon Hannah (Lane) attracts the attention of a Nazi officer (Giancarlo Sisti), who takes her home. She fits right in, which is not surprising for someone who let her mother (Margherita Horowitz) die for her before she was captured.Her reunion with her beloved Klaus (Roberto Posse), who was now a German officer, was not pleasant.She ends up running a high-class brothel like Salon Kitty, without the Caberet singing. She re-finds her identity before she dies.WWII aficionados will appreciate the extensive use of actual war footage in the film to stretch it out with little cost.
Bridgeburner Let me first explain that I'm giving 7 stars for those folks who are fans of sexploitation flicks NOT serious film critics. This is a Nazi sexploitation flick and it has not only plenty of nudity but explicit, hardcore pornographic shots as well.That said, let me point out why this is a far better film than Salon Kitty. The two films are different versions of what is essentially the same story: a young Jewish woman during the Nazis' reign is sexually abused and exploited by the Reich eventually becoming the madame of a brothel that caters to Nazi officers where she spies for either the Nazi higher ups or the Resistance depending on which film you watch.Salon Kitty has lots of sets and costumes and clearly a much higher budget and better cinematography, but it is a silly film peopled by characters you don't care much about and whose thin plot falls apart completely by the end. Oh, and SK also has "freaks". You get to see naked oddities and I suppose that's a thrill for some folks. Generally what you get is a lot of half-naked women lounging around doing not much of anything.Nazi Love Camp 27, on the other hand, has budget sets and costumes, bad dubbing, and obligatory sexploitation scenes like whippings, the lesbian warden and several hardcore penetration shots including a gang rape. One would think that this was a thinly-veiled excuse for a porno, and to some extent it is, but it actually has a fairly coherent plot and you truly DO care about the lead character and even others. Yes, the final scene is a bit over the top, but you're still interested in what is happening right up to the end of the film --- not just fast forwarding to the next naked part.Sirpa Lane's performance is strong and due to whatever quirk of talent or fate, she manages to convey the horror and the poignancy of her character's struggles. This is not to say that this is a great film, again know what you're getting into -- but if you had to make a choice and see only one of these films, despite its deplorable title Nazi Love Camp 27 has much more to recommend it than just the sex in terms of character development and plot. Salon Kitty only has naked boobs and dwarfs and amputees in nicely appointed settings.