Nasty Baby
Nasty Baby
R | 23 October 2015 (USA)
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A gay couple enlists the help of their friend Polly to create a baby. Meanwhile, they must also contend with their homophobic neighbour who becomes a big nuisance.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Ana Prieto Directing and acting are definitely the strong suit of the film, the dark comedy is sharp and on point in terms of timing and rhythm. Nasty Baby looks into the lives of young artist Freddy (played by Sebastián Silva), his boyfriend (Tunde Adebimpe), his best friend (Kristen Wiig), and some of his other cool hipster buds. The trio are trying to have a baby, but end up having to deal with some darker things than baby names and homophobic families. What the film lacks in coherent storytelling it excels on being quirky and stylish, with very hip aesthetics and modern liberal themes supported by great acting. Not your typical Hollywood comedy, but a good funny film.
jadavix Sebastian Silva's Nasty Baby is a movie that features a tonal shift so abrupt you find yourself questioning the likelihood of the behaviour you are witnessing. It seems forced and unrealistic, as though the writer, director and star (all Silva) knew he had this destination in mind, but didn't really know how to get us there.He's done tonal shifts before, and much better, in Crystal Fairy, for example, which was a kind of quirky comedy until an absolutely poignant moment toward the end almost had me in tears.In Nasty Baby, the shift is handled with a plot device we've all seen before, so it feels like the movie wants to move into thriller territory without warning. Perhaps because it feels so unrealistic it's hard to take seriously as anything other than typical-for-that-genre fare. It finishes with the trio - two bearded gay men and a woman, trying to get pregnant - needing to dispose of a body. They didn't mean to kill him, but it happened in self defense. Why doesn't the Silva character call the police as soon as it happens? "He'll get deported," his boyfriend says. Is he an illegal immigrant? He must be the only one who also has a job as a trendy artist. Most illegal immigrants work for peanuts. If he is worried about deportation, why is he in such a high profile career?Nasty Baby starts like a Nicole Holofcener drama, with quirky, believable characters trying to work out with what they want for themselves and each other. Silva should have watched one of Holofcener's movies to see that that would have been enough: perhaps he thinks an abrupt tonal shift is required of him now. It doesn't look like the movie believes it either.Another thing: why on Earth is the elderly gay neighbour so efficient at disposing of corpses? He almost seems to smile when he sees the body. What is up with *that*?
Red_Identity Wow. Just... wow. I don't think I've seen more than five films in my life that take such an unpredictable, wild turn and tonal shift like this did. I had no idea what it was about, and the first hour or so was great on itself. Engaging characters, well-acted, very humane in its storytelling. What prompted the filmmakers to do what they did? Well, it helps to bring up questions of what the "everyday" person would do in that scenario. Do I buy it? Well, I don't "not buy it". I can definitely say that I didn't dislike its execution. One doesn't really know what they would do in such a scenario. Of course, everyone would like to say "I would have done the right thing!", but we just don't know. This is the troubling question that this film wants us to answer, and honestly, I think it did an amazing job of it. In real life, everything is normal, everyone can be normal... until it's not. What DOES happen when the "stuff hits the fan"? What WOULD we do? There are many different ways that the film could've posed these questions, and sure enough many other films that I've seen have posed them in different ways, but I think the unorthodox unpredictability of this really hits those points home. I think that first normal hour is needed for this reason, and why no one should read anything about this film going into it. I can totally see why it may not have worked for so many people, but I think the execution was on point. For better or worse, the filmmakers took a huge, giant risk here (like, I cannot stress enough how HUGE that risk was), and they didn't want this film to be forgotten lightly. For my money, I left it feeling like it had made me think about a lot of different things, along with being a highly intriguing, engaging film.
Brendan Mikeska Films are like visiting a city. Mainstream movies cover the big attraction: Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedra, and Musée du Louvre. Indie films take you through the back streets and occasionally you get a tour of the underbelly of a city. "Nasty Baby" by filmmaker Sebastián Silva takes you on a back ally tour of the character of ordinary people. We all like to think we know what we will do in hypothetical situations. The truth is often we don't. This movie starts off pleasant enough with likable, real character; but from the start there is a slow burn that is building towards some unwanted destination. This movie takes you around the big attractions of a city and delivers you via the characters in places you would never expect to visit or would want to go. Check out "Nasty Baby" if you get a chance.