| 07 October 2002 (USA)
Napoleon Trailers

The year is 1816, and NAPOLEON, held prisoner by the British on the island of St. Helena, is telling the young English girl BETSY his life story.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
cowboyerik Yes, the "Eagles" or monarchs of Europe and England did ultimately defeat Bonaparte. They did destroy his armies. They did crush the people's revolution. Napoleon made mistakes, mistakes that were already in history and would be repeated again. Even now in our century. His war against the Kings of Europe was the good fight. His men, his people wanted an end to eat. They didn't want to just eat cake. They wanted bread. The despotic rulers of Europe sowed the seeds of their own end. Had Bonaparte made a few less mistakes, or maybe just one, he would have been successful. As it was, it would be another 75 to 100 years for Kings/Queens to be eliminated and freedom to reign. Today, I am often disgusted at how these figure head Kings and Queens, Prince and Princess's carry on, most prominently in England, these kids need to come out and admit they are nothing. God didn't place them in power, the are just people that happen to have been born into their palaces and estates. It's a waste of money. Had Napoleon not weakened them, and showed the world that they were beatable, the people may not have eventually overthrown them. If Napoleon had been successful it is possible there would have been no WORLD WARS. Both world wars were cause by and set off by various ruling house having treaties and loyalties to each others by cousins, families and in-laws and it was so confusing it lead to WW1. Then the miserable outcome of WW1 led to WW2, then the Cold War and beyond. The World is still un-dividing and disarming and we still have incredibly huge militaries and expenditures when we can't take care of people around the world. Napoleon tried to end 100 years war before it started. This is the story of his attempt to end it. Truly his story. Well told. Teaser bits of battles, the agony and cost of defeat, his love for people and his women. Not fat drunk. Not a murderer or executioner. An honorable Battlefield Commander in the name of his people, and the people of the world. A liberator that showed the way to freedom, the way to democracy, that path out of tyranny. Most interesting figure in history. Can't be touched or denied.
kornerbrandon I just finished watching this series and it's just brilliant. Being Australian, I'm not aware of Christian Clavier's other films, but I'm told he's better known for his comedy roles. If that's true, the Clavier must've also had a knack for drama, because he has given quite possibly the most human interpretation of Napoleon.However, he also had an incredible supporting cast to back him up. Isabella Rossellini and John Malkovich are fantastic, as usual. Gérard Depardieu was brilliant as Fouché. Alain Doutey and Claudio Amendola were excellent as Marshal Ney and Marshal Murat respectively.The costumes are very well-designed, so it's not hard to see why it won an Emmy for it. Among the well-done parts are the battle scenes. While few and far between, they are utterly fantastic.Overall, 10/10
selffamily I have to admit my knowledge of Bonaparte and French history is sketchy at best. When I saw this DVD set for sale, I grabbed it, being fairly certain that it would be quality and worth watching. Well, four episodes later, having become totally addicted, I hope I have better knowledge because I found it fascinating and enthralling. I don't like battle scenes, they evoke too many emotions for me of the wastage of humankind, but I found the graphics clearly illustrated for me where the campaigns were heading, what happened and I think I learned from it. I found the acting was convincing, I loved Josephine and ached for her when they divorced; I found our hero more sympathetic that I had expected, and that was pleasing because a nation such as France would not blindly follow someone who was not passionate about the country. I thought that this was (given obvious time/money limitations) quite splendid and can't wait to share it!
Tasku As an overall experience, I enjoyed this movie. Or is it a mini series for TV? I don't know, I bought it as a DVD, and watched it as a movie.Spectacular costumes and architecture from the 19th Century, colourful and luxurious, it completely drew me into the film. Christian Clavier plays the part well, and I find him believable as Napoleon.I would've liked to see more battles, since the only ones shown in this film are the ones Napoleon lost. Surely he didn't loose all his battles, if he conquered so much of Europe? The French armies long march into Russia and Moscow is only quickly shown in this film - as they arrive in their spotless blue and white uniforms, and as they leave all tired and beaten. For a campaign that cost the lives of some 200,000 - 300,000 French soldiers, I was a bit disappointed. Surely in a 6 hour movie, there would've been time to show these historic events in closer detail.Battles are few, but they are well done, almost making you stomp your head on the wall, screaming: "Stop acting like robots and dive for cover!" - as the French march in their well formed lines into enemy fire, and fall on the ground dead. War is so pointless, and there is no glory in it.But why oh why did Napoleon speak English in his broken accent, instead of French? I would've liked to see a French Emperor speak his own language, even if I would've had to read the meaning of his words from the subtitles.