Look Who's Back
Look Who's Back
| 08 October 2015 (USA)
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When Adolf Hitler reawakens at the site of his former bunker in present-day Berlin, he is mistaken for a comedian and quickly becomes a media phenomenon.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
dennisx-922-883732 I watched this before our own "election", now it's not funny it's happening
arsty Ancient Chinese said:[非我族類,其心必異!] People who are not our kind, must think differently(Or must be monsters). It points out one true. Forget about political correct, people would be afraid of those they don't know or those none of their kind naturally.To overcome this kind of fear is progress of civilization.When the time is bad and makes people feel hopeless, unfortunately, cunning and provocative man would lead people step on the opposite way. The way to the destruction. Directly or gradually.This movie show us the possibility of "How people may repeat terrible history again" by a very clear way. Funny, bright, and reversed at the very end.I recommend people who care or be involved about race issue all should watch this movie. And ask yourself, "Is getting rid of or destroy those no your kind really a good way?" It always seems simpler, easier, but always brings more hate and harm as bloody history.
danielemerson I read the book a couple of years ago, on the recommendation of a friend, and enjoyed it a lot.Recently having taken out a Netflix account, this showed up on a search. I didn't know anyone had attempted to film it, and it departs in part from the book in one particular way. They mix up the original plot with scenes of the lead character interacting with the German public, and it is a great idea.Oliver Masucci gives a great performance as a revived historical figure whose instincts immediately see him looking to establish power and influence, even before he has really begun to understand the world he now inhabits. Hitler immediately identifies TV and the internet as the potential propaganda tools that he would have loved to have used in WWII if he'd had them. I'd quibble slightly that he's a bit tall for the part, but you can forgive that when you see him at work.This cautionary tale of how people can be swayed by a noisy demagogue offering simplistic, emotive, sloganeering solutions to complex problems has acquired another level of relevance when you see how, in recent years, political campaigns have become so much more dumbed- down than you ever feared. After all, Adolf only wants to make his country great again, right?
The Couchpotatoes Even though German is not the most pleasant language to listen to because it all sounds so aggressive all the time in this movie it works rather well because Adolf Hitler's speeches were also aggressive all the time. The movie itself is a dark comedy with sometimes a political view of modern society. It shows a lot of what is happening in Europe and what people complain about. Well at least what right wing people complain about and think about the situation because I couldn't care less about races and ethnicity's. You have good and bad people in all ethnicity's. The movie has some funny moments. I know I laughed a couple of times but for the majority of the movie I thought it was sometimes a bit long. Oliver Masucci as Adolf Hitler plays his role really good though. He has the physics and the perfect intonation in his voice to play Hitler. It's a good movie to watch once but I won't watch it a second time.