My Own Love Song
My Own Love Song
| 07 April 2010 (USA)
My Own Love Song Trailers

A wheelchair-bound singer and her best friend embark on a roadtrip to Memphis.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Nonureva Really Surprised!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
TxMike I saw this via Netflix streaming video. Written and edited by the Frenchman who directed the superb "Edith Piaf" story (La Mome') it is set in the USA, filmed in various parts of Louisiana, and ends up in New Orleans. The story centers on the story of Renée Zellweger as Jane Wyatt, one time recording artist who, 7 years earlier, had become crippled and wheelchair bound as a result of an automobile accident. So she pretty much put her life on hold.Seemingly her best friend in the small Kansas town is Forest Whitaker as the somewhat kooky Joey, who has visions of angels. He goes off the deep end occasionally, often uses poor judgment in certain situations, but jokingly calls himself "Jane's body guard." He in fact does help her out at times.One day Joey finds an unopened letter in Jane's house, it is from her now 10-yr-old son, living in Baton Rouge, inviting her to his communion in July. Joey doesn't tell her about the letter, instead puts it in his pocket and sets about to get Jane to take a road trip, he wants her to see her son. The road trip does have its share of pitfalls, the first being their car burns up. Literally. At a motel along comes Elias Koteas as Dean, who sells them a car for $500, and it works fine, but the next morning they awake to find it gone. Dean has cheated them.Then comes young Madeline Zima as Billie, whose young husband just seemed to take off, so she joins them in the road trip. At one stopping point they need a place to crash, hear music, and go to find Nick Nolte as Caldwell, playing a guitar. He joins in for the road trip.Describing it in my feeble manner in no way does justice to the movie. It is very different, often touching, and very well acted.
heyamy I think that this movie is what movies are supposed to be. The journey that the 2 main characters embark on is not only a physical journey but also an emotionally and psychologically healing journey. Both characters have lost more than they can bear and they help each other to recognize that life goes on. Jane learns that she can be emotionally engaged in life - that even though she has lost so much there are still elements in her life that can be reclaimed if she is willing to feel again. Joey has experience loss so great that it has shifted him psychologically and he comes to realize that he needs to express only those things that he can share with others in their realities while keeping his unique reality for his benefit only. The characters they meet along the way all add to their journey of healing. The healing that occurs is subtle and inferred by the thinking person. I view this movie as a masterpiece to be enjoyed by those who are not dependent on typical cookie-cutter tactics.
zuzus_petals I guess I saw a whole 'nother movie than the other reviewers, because I simply loved this film. Not that the comments and crits were wrong...sentimental, somewhat disjointed...but I found it moving and amusing and truly enjoyed the soundtrack. The small roles were perfect and the marshmallow whip on top was Zelweiger's riveting rendition of Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land"...unlike any other I'd ever heard...AND she sang my absolute favorite verse (the one about the No Trespassing sign..."but on the other side it didn't say nothing', that side was made for you and me").It reminded me quite a bit of "Leaving Normal", another fave of mine...Don't let these nay-sayers put you off this gem.
birck You've read the story in these critiques. It's a road movie about a small group of damaged characters in search of some undefined salvation in the form of a huckster who claims that angels exist. The Forrest Whitaker character, Joey, bothered me the most. The slow-witted crazy man with a heart of gold, who takes care of the paraplegic singer played by Renee Zellweger. The character is a movie cliché, straight out of Of Mice And Men, and Whitaker didn't bring anything new to it. Is he schizophrenic and off his meds? Is he bipolar and off his meds? Whatever, he only shows up in movies, not in real life. At one point, late in the story, there is a diversion into the "legend" of Robert Johnson losing his soul at the Crossroads in exchange for a supernatural ability on the guitar. Then: on to something else. It goes nowhere. What was the point? Is our little band of characters somehow like Robert Johnson? Apparently not, because the next sequence is a high-speed car chase down highway 61. There were some nice moments, but they were poorly strung together.
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