My Little Duckaroo
My Little Duckaroo
NR | 27 November 1954 (USA)
My Little Duckaroo Trailers

Daffy Duck is a Wild West outlaw named "The Masked Avenger", righter of wrongs and doer of heroic deeds. Porky Pig is his sidekick. Together, they seek to arrest Nasty Canasta, a villain whose crimes include gag-stealing and square dancing in a round house.

Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . about upcoming Calamities, Catastrophes, Cataclysms, and Apocalypti, with a special emphasis on the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016. MY LITTLE DUCKAROO is just one in a string of such cautionary tales covering the first campaign in which the majority of Americans hate BOTH major party nominees. Named for the Trumpeter Swan in Real Life, Rich People Party Pol Don J. Trump is captured here to a "T" by that Mercenary Solipcistic Braggart, Daffy Duck. Playing Crooked Hillary is card cheat Nasty Canasta, who trumps Trump's "Royal Straight Flush Full House with Four Aces High" by waving a Three of Clubs and a revolver in the Vince Foster position. As Porky Pig paraphrases the Trumpster Throngs' chants of "Lock her up, Lock her up!" Nasty unveils Hillary's October Surprise Deus Ex Machina by GOING TOPLESS at the 6:10 mark of this animated short. Just as Julie "Singing Nun Mary Poppins" Andrews precipitated more than one thousand fatal Baby Boomer heart attacks by baring her breasts in a later flick called S.O.B., Nasty is telegraphing us that Hillary will try to squeak past Trump by seriously (if not permanently) incapacitating the Dittohead Hordes through a Third Debate Wardrobe Malfunction fully exposing whatever Kazongers she might be harboring.
TheLittleSongbird Coming from an avid Looney Tunes and Daffy Duck fan, I actually enjoyed My Little Duckaroo. One or two of the sight gags may border on predictable and the ending is rather disappointing, but the dialogue is razor sharp and funny especially from Daffy. Speaking of Daffy I too prefer him when he is manic in alternative to greedy, but I really enjoyed him here, mainly because of his dialogue and the silly clothes he wears. Porky is given little to do, but he does have a song at the beginning that is quite amusing, not because of the lyrics as such but the singing is intentionally off-key. Other than the song, the accompanying music is melodious and memorable, and the animation is impressively rendered. Although Nasty Canasta doesn't say much, he is an interesting enough foil for Daffy I think. And as always, Mel Blanc is stellar providing the vocals. Overall, a fun cartoon while not Daffy's best. 9/10 Bethany Cox PS. The title of my review refers to one of the sight gags, that I found particularly funny if random.
Lee Eisenberg Sort of a re-imagining of Chuck Jones's earlier "Drip-Along Daffy", "My Little Duckaroo" casts Daffy and Porky as a western hero and sidekick out to battle evildoers. Daffy of course can't take on their quarry.While the cartoon mostly has a repeating gag - Daffy challenges Nasty Canasta but nothing comes of it - I noticed something. Early in the cartoon, after identifying himself, Daffy basically explains that he's totally in it for the money. Certainly under Jones's watch this lisping member of the genus Anas had become very greedy - often bragging about his avaricious side - while Porky would bring some sanity to the situation. And now Daffy giddily talks about how he hopes to collect the reward.That's the main point that I notice in the cartoon. I figure that "MLD" was mostly intended as a placeholder. Worth seeing.
Thomas Begeng This is an excellent example of the full development of Chuck Jones' Daffy character, Daffy's later greedy & self centred character is a much better vehicle for delivering the more sophisticated humour in this cartoon than the original manic, slapstick character created by Tex Avery in 1937.This cartoon is an extension of an earlier classic - Drip-along Daffy, in which Daffy attempts to bring the notorious outlaw Nasty Canasta to justice, when various attempts by the Cisco Kid (aka Daffy), Super Duck (also Daffy) and the Masked Avenger fail to budge Nasty Canasta, Daffy resorts to using physical means, stating he is going to give Nasty Canasta a "fist beating, frontier style" and to "fix his little red wagon" the expression on the face of the scrawny Daffy as Nasty Cansata rips his shirt by flexing his enormous muscles is priceless.From the classic attempt By Daffy to emulate Nasty Canasta by rolling a cigarette in his mouth (which of course fails dismally and explodes) to the classic "Cisco Kid" poker and arrest/bare knuckle fight scenes this is one big laugh for those who enjoy the 50's Daffy.