My Best Friend
My Best Friend
| 20 August 2006 (USA)
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Catherine refuses to believe that her business partner, the unlikeable François, has a best friend, so she challenges him to set up an introduction. Scrambling to find someone willing to pose as his best pal, François enlists the services of a charming taxi driver to play the part.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
jotix100 Friendship is a rare commodity. Some of us are better at making friends than others. Who knows what chemistry is behind the way one relates to another human being? In the case of French antique dealer Francois Coste, it is obvious he doesn't have any friends at all. Why, even his partner, Catherine, tells him point blank. On a dare, he tells her he will give her the Greek vase he has bought at an auction if in ten days he has not made a friend.We realize when he meets Bruno Bouley, an affable Parisian taxi driver, that he finally is on the right track after being rejected by all the others he had approached, either to buy them drinks, or even trying to reacquaint himself with an old school mate. Bruno is indeed a happy person, something that Francois is not. While Bruno guides Francois in being a better person, their friendship comes to an abrupt end. It's not until Bruno goes to be a contestant in the French version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, that he has to contact Francois at a crucial point of the game.Patrice Leconte's take on this film is not as heavy as most of his better made features. The director has a knack for bringing opposites in contact under the most unusual circumstances. Mr. Leconte proves he knows about what he is talking about when he decided to get this project to the screen. Co-writing with his long time associate Jerome Tonnere he delivers a light comedy to please his audience.The film relies heavily on the two principals, the brilliant Daniel Auteuil, whose range goes from dramatic turns into comedic roles without an effort. His Francois is one of the best things in the picture. Dany Boon, who is seen as Bruno, is a pleasant and natural actor who matches his co-star well. Both deliver excellent performances. Also in the cast, a good Julie Gayet, who plays Francois' partner. Henri Garcin adds to the overall enjoyment.
MartinHafer I have noticed that some reviewers call this a comedy. Well, although at the beginning there are some mildly funny moments, the overall mood of the film isn't comedic and the movie is far deeper than just a comedy. It's much more of a sweet drama about a very lonely man (Daniel Auteuil) who doesn't realize just how lonely and miserable a person he is.It all starts at a dinner party. Auteuil is there with his business partner and others when suddenly the conversation becomes very painful and dark. One of the guests says to Auteuil that he has absolutely no friends--at which point all his supposed friends there at the table admit that they aren't his friends but business associates. Then, in a moment of panic, he bets his partner that he DOES indeed have friends. The problem, however, is that after the dinner is complete, Auteuil sits down to assess his life and realizes he has no friends at all--and this follows his asking those he is close to if they are his friends. You feel a bit sorry for the guy, as his life has been all business, but on the other hand, he is a very selfish guy who uses people for his own benefit.A bit later, he meets a neurotic cab driver (Dany Boon) who seems to have many friends. This actually is NOT true, but Boon instead plays a man who is friendly to everyone around him, though he, too, is quite friendless. Part of this is because he's been hurt and part of this is because the guy is obsessed with trivia and this really annoys many around him. However, Auteuil doesn't realize Boon's annoying side and actually offers to pay him to learn to make friends.Not unexpectedly, over time the two men do become friends, of a sort, though Auteuil STILL is doing this mostly for the wrong reason--to win a bet. Once Boon realizes this, their budding friendship is over and the two part. Only then does Auteuil realize how much he misses his new friend and he concocts a plan to make amends.While this very strange film is a bit hard to believe--after all this IS an odd plot--it is an exceptional film. In many ways it's a lot like the French farce, THE DINNER GAME ("Le Dîner de cons") but with a much more somber tone and much more depth to the relationship over time. I really enjoyed both, though THE DINNER GAME was clearly a comedy. MON MEILLEU AMI is more--much more. It's a film about people and it's exceptionally well acted, written and directed. I have always loved Auteuil in films but the rest of the cast (in particular Boon) were terrific and this little film might surprise you and touch your heart. A lovely little film that is too good to be missed.
Sebastian Antunez I actually watched this film on a crappy bus going from Rosario to Buenos Aires.The screen was really little and flickering. But the film was so good it actually caught my attention and I really liked it.One thing I could say was not too good is that you actually know how it's going to develop within the first minutes. It is quite predictable, but its point of view about friendship is really nice and makes you think about it too.It's something you can watch in family or of course, with your best friend.I really recommend this movie.
jessonderskov This frenchman(Daniel Auteuil) is just amazing in his way to convince in almost any kind of emotionally role. Here he plays the distant and at the same time so kind person with a natural attitude as if it was reality. A year ago i watched the film "La fille sur le pont" (aka. The girl on the bridge), today that is my favorite film of all times. That is the only reason for me for only giving a 9 to this one. I've now seen all his films that i could get with subtitles, as I don't speak french. I am very sorry because of the ratings so far. Due to my opinion this film is a little pearl. It is not a big masterpiece, but so well made and perfectly acted that it, due to my opinion, has deserved more. I think the whole theme friendship is more important then ever in this busy world, so it leaves a little bit to think about after watching it. For those who haven't seen the film, I would like to say: just lean back and enjoy it!
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