Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story
Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story
| 28 April 2013 (USA)
Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story Trailers

The story of the 1973 hockey season when aging legend Gordie Howe returned to the ice at the age of 44.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
sddavis63 This made for TV movie is ambitiously titled, and therefore maybe a bit misleading. "Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story" can't really be said to live up to its title. It's basically about Gordie's comeback season in 1973-74. Retired for two years, and unhappily holding an executive position with his beloved Detroit Red Wings which gave him no involvement with the hockey operation, Howe was suddenly given a reason to make a comeback when the Houston Aeros of the upstart WHA drafted his two sons, Mark and Marty. Wanting to live out a lifelong dream, Gordie signs with the Aeros and returns to the game at the age of 45.There's a lot in this movie that comes across as authentic. The rivalry between the NHL and the WHA is demonstrated through the bitterness of Red Wing owner Bruce Norris and Maple Leaf owner Harold Ballard. But much of this revolves around the internal dynamics of the Howe family - reluctantly moving to Texas so that Gordie could live this dream. The movie doesn't soft pedal the awkwardness of the situation faced by Marty and Mark. Gordie was a great hockey player - but also a tough one, nicknamed "Elbows" for his willingness to take out opponents and defend his team-mates. But, of course, when he does that for Marty and Mark, it only embarrasses them. Gordie becomes obsessed with proving that he belongs, obsessed with winning the scoring title, obsessed with leading the Aeros to the championship - sometimes at the expense of his family.I thought the portrayal of Colleen Howe was a bit weak. She more or less ran the careers of Gordie, Marty and Mark, but we really didn't see that, except for one scene in which she negotiates with the Aeros' general manager.Gordie's comeback is a worthy story. After the NHL-WHA merger, he played in the NHL until the age of 51 - an amazing accomplishment in a fast paced and rough game. It's a good portrayal of one very important WHA season. (6/10)
Ed-Shullivan A person would need to be born before 1950 or 1960 to truly appreciate what Gordie Howe meant to professional ice hockey in North America. More importantly all the professional hockey players who succeeded Gordie Howe in the National Hockey League (NHL) through the past four decades need to bestow credit and praise on Gordie Howe for raising awareness between the disparity between what the NHL owners were raking in in profits, and how NHL players salaries climbed after Gordie Howe un-retired from the NHL and signed with the WHA Houston Aeros. Due to Gordie Howe's and Mrs. Howe's endless loyalty to the management of the Detroit Red Wings, this biography depicts how the executives running the NHL believed they controlled what players would be making in salary and bonuses 'til death made them part. However, when the World Hockey Association (WHA) was trying to establish itself as the "other league", the NHL did not consider the WHA to be a serious threat to their monopoly because the two biggest hockey stars were playing for the NHL's Detroit Red Wings and the Chicago Black Hawks. The two biggest names in the NHL in the 1960's and early 1970's were Gordie Howe (played extremely well by Michael Shanks) who held most of the NHL's prestigious scoring records, and the younger Bobby Hull (played by Lochlyn Munro) whose physical attributes reminded many of Hercules, and Bobby had a booming slap shot with the scoring touch. Mr. Hockey provides some good historical detail about the younger Bobby Hull's exodus to the WHA for an unheard of (for the time) one million dollars per year. Bobby signed with the WHA shortly after, the old guy, Gordie Howe retired from the Detroit Red Wings and took a job in their front office. The movie depicts how much Gordie was missing the on ice action and was enticed back in to professional hockey by the WHA as part of a three man deal Mrs. Colleen Howe arranged with the newly formed Houston Aeros, which allowed the biggest name in hockey, Mr. Hockey himself, get to play professional hockey with his two skilled sons Mark and Marty Howe.In my humble opinion, any true hockey fan has to see this movie as a tribute not only to Gordie Howe, but to the entire Howe family whose legacy is a life in hockey itself. This movie gives us all some insight in to the close knit Howe family ran by mom Colleen, played well by Kathleen Robertson, their daughter Cathy Howe, played by Emma Grabinsky, and Gordie and Colleen's two sons, Mark played by Andrew Herr and Marty played by Dylan Playfair.On a personal note, I had the opportunity of a life time to meet with Mr. Howe during a stopover in a Boston airport late one evening. I approached him very gingerly as he sat alone. I respected his right to privacy, and he appeared to be suffering from a bit of jet lag. Mr. Howe could not have been nicer to me, he insisted I sit down and converse with him. We talked for a good 10 to 15 minutes. He asked if I had any children and if I would like his autograph for my boys. I told him I did not want to bother him, but instead he asked what their names were and he wrote a special something for each of my sons. Mr. Hockey portrays Gordie Howe as a father first, a hockey legend, a six time winner of the Art Ross trophy winner, a sports celebrity who always gave his autograph freely.....but put skates on this man and a hockey stick in his hand and look out for "Old Elbows"!!!!All hockey fans should see this Made For TV Movie, which is a deserved tribute to the single most important man in professional hockey both for his scoring prowess and his longevity. Gordie Howe played at the highest level of the game well in to his 50's, he truly is an amazing man our Mr. Hockey, and because of the class act Gordie Howe has been for his entire life this film deserves nothing less than a perfect 10/10, just as Gordie Howe has always been a perfect 10. Thanks for so many great memories Mr. Hockey!
mm-39 Mr Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story is a great hockey movie. The storyline of Howe playing with the Houston Aeros, of the W H A, during the 1973-74 season is sentimental. A father who wants to play pro hockey with his two sons. Gordie Howe comes back from being out of shape, winning the scoring championship, and winning the Avco Cup with his two sons is a great real life story. The portrayal of hockey life, the competition, violence, and the on ice action is excellently preformed. The Howe family life, and how Mrs Hockey contribution to Gordie and his sons success balances the on and off ice movie scenes. The comedy is great with the Bobby Hull rivalry, and how Oggi Olgerthorp got his name was great. Well written and directed movie. I give Mr Hockey a seven out of ten pucks. Mr Hockey shoots and scores.
pecora_324 This docu-drama presents a solid depiction of Gordie Howe's decision to leave Detroit for a possible pro career in Houston. The spoiler alert? This is not a cradle-to-quit biography. Instead, the focus remains on the effect the move would have on the entire Howe family. The facts are easily verified; the impact Mark, Marty, and Gordie had on the fledgling WHA was resounding.Two mandates drove Howe; in order, family and hockey. By accepting the chance to play in a new league, the Detroit Red Wings' management lost any control they may have had over using Howe to keep other players in line. Their resentment was both bitter and public.The characters of Leaf owner Ballard and Wing owner Norris were especially good. The recent (1967) NHL expansion had lined their pockets, but the WHA would not; that was the underlying current. It was against this backdrop that the Howes' made this decision. Kudos to Kathleen Robinson as Colleen Howe! She found the perfect balance between wife, mother and businesswoman. Michael Shanks portrayed the aged Gordie as both a dad and a teammate with just a touch of larceny...well done!This film will fill a void in the hearts of hockey fans everywhere. Enjoy!