The Christmas Shepherd
The Christmas Shepherd
| 23 November 2014 (USA)
The Christmas Shepherd Trailers

Sally Brown, a successful children's book author and Army widow loses her late husband's German Shepherd, Buddy, only to later find him adopted by a new family - single father Mark Green and his teenage daughter Emma. Each finds a sense of Christmas spirit as they struggle to decide with whom the dog really belongs.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
cboozb-1 I'm sorry-The shelter owner should be .... I can't say ... it's too terrible. The character of the father - how can he even entertain he idea of keeping the dog. It is just beyond me. Buddy is not the only dog on planet earth! Immediately return the dog and then take your daughter around to all the myriad shelters that have more dogs than you can imagine so she can adopt one . The. After putting poor Teri Polo's character through all their sh-, the little girl just decides the return Buddy. What ?!?!? This thing just doesn't work.
luticrist I can't remember the last time I saw a movie so infuriating. It borders on violence. First, the daughter is possibly the worst character in fiction only just beating her father. Polo is frustrating for not asserting her ownership, taking the dog and ending this crapfest 20 minutes in. How in the hell can any half decent human being justify stealing someones dog. Make no mistake, this daughter, this spoiled rotten, pathetic piece of shite is dead set on stealing this woman's dog to make herself happy....DO YOU GET THAT?!! We have jails full of people who did the exact same thing for the exact same motives, "I'm not happy. You have something I want and that makes me angry so I'm taking it..." Then her father supports her in this endeavor? My kid would be catching a hefty ass whoopin for the same intentions and the thought of keeping anyone's family member/dog when they so desperately want them back is appalling. Polo's character does not fail to show how much this dog mean to her, the dog clearly shows how much he loves her as his true owner. I'd rather beat myself over the head with my television than watch this disgusting crap.
gvpcl Most of these Hallmark stories are not for rocket scientists but are just pleasant holiday fare. And I always see mistakes. This movie was supposedly set in Massachusetts and its environs. The woman lived an hour from Boston. But when they were "in town" buying a Christmas tree you could see huge sheer cliffs and ocean in the background. Clearly NOT Massachusetts. I wish the producers would give viewers more credit for intelligence and pay more attention to details like this. My other objection is that the credits at the end are squished into about a #2 font so that you cannot read them. This is the fault of the network. I like to see location and music credits and even some of the other actors' names but it is impossible when they reduce the credits to practically nothing. Many of the channels do this and I find it frustrating.
roger-bost This stunk. First, a soldier brings a dog back from deployment, later veteran soldier dies prematurely from a heart attack after returning stateside; his widow loses the dog in a storm, a guy picks up dog in his truck and carries it an hour away. Dog ends up in shelter, gal who runs shelter's brother gets dog and has it for a whole two weeks. Meanwhile, the widow is trying to track down her dog, finds shelter and gal who runs it gives her a rash of s..t but finally determines she's the dog's rightful owner. So when widow contacts guy who, again has had dog for a full 14 days as compared to five years for widow, thinks maybe . . . no. She travels there, hits the same garbage and that's where I turned this show off. I have no idea how it turned out but up to then, one of the worst Hallmark or Lifetime type deals I've ever watched. Sucked. Major. Sorry if I spoiled the plot line, but frankly I'm doing you guys a huge favor pre-warning you.