Mother's Boys
Mother's Boys
R | 18 March 1994 (USA)
Mother's Boys Trailers

Sexy but unstable wife and mother Jude walked out on her family three years ago. Now, just as suddenly, she is back. But her husband, Robert, has fallen in love with Callie, an assistant principal at his sons' school. He asks Jude for a divorce. She responds by trying to turn her three boys against Callie, then by slashing herself and blaming her rival and finally by drawing her 12-year-old, Kes, into a murderous plot.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
susana-c-fernandes Well acted (Jamie Lee Curtis does a great job) and with a plot (and jump scares) that will leave you grabbing your sit, this thriller may be a bit too much for some people, specially considering that incest and pedophilia are among its themes.A disturbed woman returns to her family after being gone without any explanation for 3 years. She now wants her husband back while using her oldest son (the only one she seems to connect with) to achieve her goals.Manipulative, violent and cold as ice Curtis plays that disturbing role of this mother who seems she couldn't care less about her kids, only wishing to get back into bed with her husband. Not wanting to reveal too much here, I'll just say that I didn't find the ending completely predictable (was expecting worse, from the direction the movie was going). All in all, this was a very tense and at the same time entertaining movie. I'd advise any thriller fan to give it a try, always keeping in mind that it was done in the 90's.
Howlin Wolf ... Not only is it offensively bad; it's also mind-numbingly obvious and poorly-paced. In the traditional three-act structure; the movie's plot should work something like this: Mother re-enters lives; Mother goes mental; problem is in some way resolved. Here, there's no gradually escalating tension, it's quite obvious that Jude is already 'barking', from the very first shot in which we see her... ! Some scenes are so sickeningly contrived it's quite obvious they've only been inserted to advance what little plot there is... Why teach your son to drive, for example, unless he's going to be in mortal danger by another 40 minutes running time??! Oh, and responsible stepmothers ALWAYS willingly allow themselves to be manacled by their young charges, just to raise the dramatic stakes... ! Rarely have I seen writing in even the cheapest of productions be so simplistic and ludicrously unbelievable..."Mother's Boys" can best be characterised as a third rate knock-off of such pulp-genre reliables as "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle"... It's amazing to think that capable actresses like Curtis and Whalley were suckered into this derivative slop - and regrettably Peter Gallagher's abject performance tarnishes their reputations almost as much as it does his!
lanie-6 Oh my gosh...I can not believe I even rented this movie. But I thought with Jamie Lee Curtis in the movie It would be great, was i ever wrong!! Avoid this awful movie at all costs! Boring, dull, and no horror at all!!
lorenellroy Jamie Lee Curtis established her career playing the victim of homicidal maniacs,now in "Mother's Boys"she gets a chance to play the killer She plays a mother who walked out on her husband and children and now wants them back.The problem is that her husband is petitioning for divorce and is having an affair with a local teacher,played by Joanne Whalley-Kilmer. She sets out to try to re-capture the affections of the kids,virtually flaunting herself at the elder child and seeking to poison their minds against Dad and his new paramour. The film is predictable and the performances curiously lacklustre,even from artists of some quality. Redgrave steals the movie as the kids Grandmother but even she seems on cruise controlNothing special and for Curtis completists only