Morning Patrol
Morning Patrol
| 08 October 1987 (USA)
Morning Patrol Trailers

A deserted city is the setting, where a woman walks alone trying to approach and enter the forbidden zone. Traps and the morning patrol lurk everywhere. Electronic voices summon the (non-existent) people to abandon the city. Can a love affair in this place survive?

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
opiostheloego If you are lucky enough to find this film, do not loose the opportunity to watch it. Do not loose the opportunity to devour its powerful mesmerizing darkness. Intensely majestic, scary, impressive, unique, exceptional, this 80's Greek film will certainly leave you speechless. She lives in a post-apocalyptic city. A city that is abandoned, a city that is dark and in ruins. A city where you see dripping ceilings, basements with pods of water, staircases partly blocked and humid. What makes this canvas even darker and scarier is that the lights are on, TV sets are also left on by the people who have fled, a cinema still plays a film noir...So much dark there is that even daylight seems to have left or has already packed and is ready to leave, since it is almost absent. Leaving this city is her goal, like many people have done already. She is not in a good health, she looks weak and speaks with Herself a lot, narrating Her few remaining memories. She is chased not only by "remnants of people" but also by the Morning Patrol. They move around the city, kill the people who are left behind, and the ones that try to leave, heading West to reach the Herself. She will come across Him, one of them, a killer but someone that is suffering exactly the same, and deep down inside feels Her deeply. Together they will march towards the desirable salvation...
HumanoidOfFlesh Post-apocalyptic wasteland somewhere in Greece.An unnamed female wanderer wants to reach the Sea.She attempts to traverse through decaying and crumbling nameless city where the members of Morning Patrol kill everyone they meet.Forbidden zone is extremely dangerous.But the woman manages to get help from a lonely guard in despair and so it begins their intimate link between love and death.Very moody and dark post-apocalyptic science-fiction/neo-noir flick with splendid location sets and dialogue excerpts taken from published works written by Daphne du Maurier,Philip K. Dick,Raymond Chandler and Herman Raucher.The plot moves slowly but visions of an abandoned dead-dripping city are mesmerizing.8 industrial collapses out of 10.
propast That this masterpiece is so unknown - undistributed throughout all the world, as far as I know, besides Greece - is nothing short of criminal. In terms of tone, it's most comparable to a slower, more elegiac Blade Runner - there's the same pervading sense of despair, of a deep, dark curtain coming down on the world. Exit stage right.It follows an unnamed woman wandering through a postapocalyptic wasteland. The people she comes across generally try to kill her, if she doesn't try to kill them first. Communication seems to fallen by the wayside and all the dialogue we get is the woman's internal monologue, a haze of sentimental memories and a longing for a better time.She works her way into a city, where food, shelter, and water are comparatively plentiful. It's every bit as much a wasteland as the outside world, but of a very different kind - abandoned technology makes its presence known constantly, including a memorable scene where the woman sits alone in a movie theatre, but for the unseen assailants slowly climbing and crawling over seats, working their way toward her.She meets a guard of the morning patrol, a kind of taskforce that has taken it upon itself to kill everyone it becomes aware of. Their job is more a mercy in this kind of world, and although their technological, inhuman precision marks them as the bad guys, they're practically saviours when life itself becomes an enemy.I won't go farther that on the off-chance that you're given a chance to see it - but either way, the plot is far from the point and doesn't unfold much differently than you'd expect it to. What does matter is a connection established between two nameless, faceless people floating in a void of memory and space, a timeless land where life and death blur together and the hope for a new horizon outweighs the need to exist. Alive or dead, it hardly matters.
gantalf75 It's the near future, and a catastrophe (plague, war, who knows?) has let the few survivors to wander aimlessly in the wild. One of them, a woman, wants only to "go West, to the sea" where she believes life could be better but in order to achieve that, she must go through a ghost city which is guarded by the Morning Patrol (Proini Peripolos).Proini Peripolos is really far from Hollywood movies or blockbusters. It's just an artistic movie with slow pace and it's real power is the setting with grim pictures, atmospheric music and isolated landscapes. Try to find it if you can although the language (it's in Greek) will be a problem for foreign audiences.