| 15 September 1972 (USA)
Morbidness Trailers

Newlyweds have decided to spend the honeymoon in the middle of a forest and sheltered in a caravan. Relations between the two start to get confused, especially when she begins to obsess over a nearby house and with eyes that seem to spy on her with lust.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
christopher-underwood I was pretty sure I was going to enjoy this from the drawn out and downbeat opening of a deserted crumbling cottage with voice-over. What surprised me was how quickly I found myself disliking the two protagonists. Just married and off with their caravan, I quickly went off the joyless leading lady, played extremely well, I have to say, by Anna Beren and then the guy for not dealing with the situation. As it happens the happy marriage is fracturing before our eyes from the start and with talk or a strange and deathly oneness with nature and the reversion to animal behaviour, it is not long before things start to go very wrong indeed. Leisurely paced but beautifully shot with a keen eye for colour and composition, this does remind one of Luis Bunuel as the director seems to delight in the most ordinary and harmless things becoming so upsetting. I had never heard of Gonzalo Suarez but he has made several other films and I would be intrigued to see more.
HumanoidOfFlesh A young couple decides to spend their care-free honeymoon in a remote area.Soon they begin to experience some odd occurrences such as one of their two hamsters killing the other one.It seems that someone or something is watching them.Alice becomes unsettled when she discovers that her wedding gown was mysteriously stolen from the back of their car.Slightly surreal and psychedelic thriller with several subtle scenes of dread.It kind of reminded me Australian horror hit "Long Weekend"(1978) with a bit of "Last House on the Left"(1972)thrown in.The acting is surprisingly decent and the finale is wonderfully eerie.Michael J.Pollard's short performance is quite mysterious and evocative.So if you are a fan of Spanish horror/exploitation cinema from 70's and early 80's you can't go wrong with "Morbidness".9 hairpins out of 10.