Moontrap: Target Earth
Moontrap: Target Earth
| 07 February 2017 (USA)
Moontrap: Target Earth Trailers

A long forgotten ancient spacecraft discovered on Earth. Investigations carried out by Scout transport her to the moon whereupon she meets the impressive machines preserving the wisdom of that long lost civilization.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Jan Hranac I have nothing against low-budget pieces. In fact, I even prefer them to recent Hollywood blockbusters. Why? Because quality of a film does not come from the amount of money invested into it but from other criteria such as whether it does tell an interesting story and whether it makes any sense at all. Unfortunately, this film lacks severely in the logic department and in the end doesn't make any at all.
edlc1970 To say it short. A utterly waste of time. Its not even worth the effort to start viewing this crap
dob-2 This was seriously one of the two worst movies I've seen in my life. Worse than Surf Nazis Must Die, worse than Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS, worse than Bloodsucking Freaks, worse than The Piano. The only movie I've seen that was about this bad was Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator. It starts sort of OK, except the dialogue is ham-handed and painful, and the main characters seem to live in a warehouse full of radiators. There's a definite furniture shortage in the whole movie. They intuit an entire divinely-inspired love poem from eight heiroglyphics carved into a sheet of drywall. Bizarre illuminati who meet people from the balcony of a ballroom (also with no furniture) are unimpressed. And that's the end of the part of the movie that even halfway makes sense. The rest is just so weird, and painful weird, not kooky fun weird. The robot duel, the mystery god prison, the weird hitwoman, the unexplained sidekick in the party hat, the two-second knife sharpening, the plucky waitress in the contaminated restaurant, the requirement to strip naked that comes out of nowhere and is just accepted, the murder followed by it's a dream followed by no wait it was a murder, the race of paleolunar humans whose defining characteristic is sideboob, and all of the shit that went down on the moon - none of it makes any sense.I was left with a profound sense of sorrow and self-loathing. This was a terrible movie.
scottc439 I will watch almost anything. So I started with an open mind. I give 5- 7 stars for originality, ambition, and commitment for the movie. Location and set were OK, 4-5. CGI and effects, 3-5. I hate to even score them for poor effects-not everyone has million $ budget. It seemed like they had a decent film crew and editing staff. I would give the actors 5-7 for their work - some better than others. The acting for the most was fair. But there was just too much of an awkwardness at scene endings that kept seeming to get more pronounced and irritating. I believe the story/script & direction caused this to go off the rails quickly. So ultimately, for everything combined (and I couldn't finish) - it's a 2 for me.