R | 08 April 2003 (USA)
Monsturd Trailers

A serial killer mutates with a chemical inside a sewer, to become a monster made of human waste just as the FBI and police are onto him.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
big_huge_larry Being a big fan of low budget, horribly made horror films (Troma Style), when I saw this at my local Blockbuster, I just had to pick it up. This is a movie about turds. Most would stop reading this review (and throw this movie back on the shelf) once they found that out. For those of you who are still reading, I recommend you see this movie. Along the same lines as any of the best Troma movies, Monsturd will have you in stitches. The sheer ridiculousness of the plot and obvious low quality is reason enough to give this one a try. Unexpectedly, the DVD of this movie has directors commentary which is definitely worth a listen. The director openly admits to not taking the movie seriously, so laughing at the "serious" parts is expected. this movie has all the campy comedy that you'd expect from a movie called "monsturd". Although the visual effects are laughably bad and most of the acting is sub-par, I'm giving Monsturd an 8 out of 10 for the good "seat of your pants" laughs.
BookOfGeek I love movies, I do, I love even really dastardly bad ones. But this one, was one of those very few, that are so bad you can't even laugh at their stench (pun intended). This is House Of The Dead bad. I go into a movie called Monsturd and yeah expect a really bad movie, but it could have at least been a bad movie that had excellent acting, or a bad movie that had good camera angles. This movie had not even one saving factor. Yeah, it made me laugh that the moronic prison guards were obviously fooled by a mop with a fake painted doll under it. I haven't seen this in a while so if I'm incorrect about some of the detail there I'm sorry, it's not like it would matter. Nothing can possibly make this movie worse than it is. The sound is terrible, even Cannibal The Musical rivals it (I like that movie, but the sound is still bad) . Again, showing that there isn't even one saving grace for this movie to be near watchable. I love offensive movies, I really do, I like The Toxic Avenger, and Class Of Nukem High, because they are A class stink fests but at least they are shot semi-well. Anybody could shoot a movie like this with their dad's old hand-held camera from the 60's. It might have even saved it if it were black and white, so you could avoid the fact that nothing was done to even give it art direction. Ever seen the movie Slashers? That movie was so bad you could laugh, this movie takes you right into the land of the not even stupid enough to be funny.
darienwerfhorst OK, the thing is this movie is a joke...but it's supposed to be. It's a spoof of all those goofy low budget horror movies. It's supposed to be funny and sorta disgusting, and it's definitely not supposed to be taken seriously.Having said that, there are very funny scenes (the puppet!) and there is actually some good "bad" Acting......(Shakespeare this ain't, isn't supposed to be. Also the production values are pretty good for such a low budget film, with good music and creative uses of sets.If you want to laugh and you aren't easily offended, rent it!
chuju I assume that, most of you posted the comments for another film or you acted/worked in this movie and just want it to be watched. Honestly, this was the worst movie I've ever watched. If you want to watch real comedy/horror movie simply try "DeadAlive"(Peter Jackson!) or of course the "Evil Dead" series.Well; Acting: -1 Directing: 0 Story/Scenario: 1 "Total: 0 points" for the film. Now you see why "OverRATED" is written above...Worst choice for having fun, if you accidently! rent this movie, just wait till the rent time's over and take it back to the store. That would be much much more amusing. Can't wait for the "MonsTurd 2" :)