Monster Pies
Monster Pies
| 10 April 2013 (USA)
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Mike has felt alienated and alone for as long as he can remember, until a new boy arrives at his school - awakening feelings and a world of possibilities he'd never before dared to dream of.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Wordiezett So much average
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
melryanma I freakin hate this movie. (i obviously love it) im crying and im pissed. i loved it but that... threw me for a loop.. i did not see it coming.omz :'''(
Jason Anderson I just watched this and i am glad to say i have finally found a modern coming of age film from which is relate-able. The lead actors give such an amazing performance from my eyes as this story does not just focus on a gay cultured lifestyle but more an in depth motion of what love is and how it all starts, i also like that the film is based upon the two characters and their individual lives showing both differences and struggle without the excess need of gay labelled stereotypes. instead this is a film you can fall in love with and spend time and time again re-watching, taking just a bit of time to reflect on ones own life and see that change really can happen. This really is a must see.
Jordan Xavier-Guiao That first glance between the two boys in the school office will hit home for anyone who's had to suffer a painfully awkward, seemingly all-consuming, world-changing, confusing, clumsy and frustrating high school crush, and therein lies the reason why I found this movie so strangely compelling. The sweet innocence of the two lead's budding romance is so earnest, so...graceless that everyone can identify with it. They were the lucky ones too, I doubt many in the closet high school kids would've found their way to each other the way Mike and Will did. The parallels drawn between Romeo and Juliet, the monsters, and the two boys worked up until the unnecessary, sad ending, although the reality of suicide within the gay community is altogether very real, and perhaps it was good that it got acknowledged, but I thought, given the plausible personal tragedies each of the main characters had to suffer through, they certainly deserved a happy ending. The actor that played Will was kind of a vision, all earthy, Aussie boy charm with a hint of Sam Worthington-esque understated charisma. He embodies the kind of perfectly tortured, mysterious school boy who we all wanted to fall in love with, and he sure didn't deserve the ending written in for him. It felt like a cop-out, and the true struggle, the true growth and redemption for the lead characters should've been to see out and live every painful day the reality of their identities. 'Monster Pies' is eminently watchable, and will leave you with a quiet impact you weren't expecting.
mybateri this movie was slow to start but the casting of Lucas Linehan as William kept me glued watching..i also loved watching the home room teacher and at the end how supportive she was towards Tristan Barr..i applaud Lee Galea for that one dramatic scene..seriously, i didn't see that coming.. the chemistry between the two main characters, just looking at how they kiss..very natural and great to watch (and mind you there was a scene of them on the bed with no clothes on so keep your eyes open for that hehehe).. Monster Pies is well worth watching but if it was up to me i would have rearranged the scenes and the appearance of the characters to make it more easily to digest and smoother
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