The Thinning
The Thinning
| 12 October 2016 (USA)
The Thinning Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic future where population control is dictated by a high-school aptitude test, two students discover the test is smoke and mirrors hiding a larger conspiracy.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
WhenAmyMetSalad How does logan paul ruin everything he touches? this is as bad as that Boo madea movie, but at least madea tries to be annoying for the laughs. Logan is just annoying when hes standing there breathing in this movie. plotholes galore i wont spoil anything if you want to feel like pulling out your hair out of stress just watch this movie. only positive reviews are from his fans from youtube and he somehow has over a million of those.
Java_Joe This movie has no reason to exist. It's one of the worst things I've ever seen and only partly due to the casting of Logan Paul as the protagonist. I'm no fan of Mr. Paul and his Youtube shenanigans but I know he's popular with the young crowd. Problem is, he's not a good actor. In fact everybody seems to be sleepwalking through their roles in this but that's only part of the problem. The rest of it is they took an interesting concept for a dystopian future and turned it into an unbelievable and frankly boring piece of crap.Nothing makes sense in this movie. Absolutely nothing. Things happen because they're supposed to happen in the script but there's no lead up or reason for them. The story itself contradicts it's own narrative. This seems to have been directed and edited by somebody with ADHD because honestly it was cut so badly I didn't know what I was looking at half the time. Of course it's a "Youtube Red original movie" that might explain it. Hey, it works on Youtube in a two minute video, it's going to work for a full length one right? Wrong. Some real actors in the lead and a better script and director and maybe they could have made something that people would want to watch instead of just a product to be consumed.
omendata I don't normally swear but by god after i had watched this abysmal effort i had to so please forgive me IMDb its not my normal modus operandi.Terrible acting especially by Napoleon Dynamite clone Logan Paul - apparently he is some sort of vine social media z-list celebrity but he is butt ugly and has zero persona and acting skills and actually made me want to turn it off in the first 5 mins but due to my OCD i had to watch it to the end!The movie copies what has already been done to death with Hunger Games and The Purge = It seems the movie scene these days is all about either copying what has already been done or remaking old classics badly! Zero originality - all these producers have to do is pick up a copy of 2000AD comic from the 80's and make a movie like BLACKHAWK, WOLFIE SMITH, ROGUE TROOPER, FIENDS OF THE Russian FRONT, MELTDOWN MAN OR PLANET OF THE DAMNED - There are literally hundreds of good ideas from that era waiting to be made!Seriously if you are going to make a Scifi movie like this you really need to spend a little more than 100k and it shows.The whole movie looks like it was filmed in the corridor of my old school for 50p and a bag of monkey nuts!!!The main baddies looked like the Vinnie Jones thugs from the Arnold and Stallone movie Escape but a hundred times worse and i never thought i could say that about Vinnie "the untalented" Jones but they make him look average.And who was the main bad guy doing his bad attempt at a Danny Trejo impression - JEEZ.This is seriously ordure and shouldn't have been made its that bad!Apart from the overtly politically, leftist, limousine libtard bias we seem to see in every film these days and which really makes me mad but what is even more annoying is they seem to be catering so much for "THE 100" yoof viewers low intelligence and bland story lines - its actually a tragedy for the movie industry if this is what going to the cinema is to be replaced with Amazon, Netflix, Youtube rubbish like this - this would probably have fitted into being an episode of Black Mirror...Maybe but it certainly didn't deserve to be made into a movie.I gave it 1 only because of the rather excellent end credits music and for the relief that is was finally all over!
robfoley-31570 I just want to say one thing about this movie. It was an alright movie but it was hyped up too much. This movie is set in the future where the Earth is lacking natural resources to keep the existing population so in the United States or maybe just Texas (I still don't know) students take a test. If they pass they live and if they fail they are "killed". At the end of the movie they show Logan Paul wake up on an elevator where he sees Lia Johnson alive and working on some sort of assembly line. This is the part I don't understand. If the Earth were lacking natural resources and we wanted to use less resources then why would you keep the failed students alive? They would be using the same resources as if they were "alive". After seeing this at the end are realizing that they aren't actually being killed I was really confused because then the system is pointless.