Mojave Moon
Mojave Moon
| 15 November 1996 (USA)
Mojave Moon Trailers

Al McCord is hanging out at his favourite restaurant when he meets an attractive young woman (Ellie) who is looking for a ride from the city out into the Mojave Desert, where her mother lives. Little does he know that while Ellie is falling in love with him, he is falling for her mother (Julie), despite the nearby presence of Julie's boyfriend who seems likely to go berzerk at any moment. Even more strange, hilarious events follow and it's up to Al to find some explanation. His life may never again be the same.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Dave from Ottawa Angelina Jolie completists may feel compelled to sample this minor item from her early portfolio, and it certainly beats Cyborg 2, but if it had starred anybody else it would be of little interest to audiences even just a month after it came out. Danny Aiello plays a fiftyish bachelor who, despite being a little thin on top and a little thick in the middle, is confident of his ability to attract young women. Jolie catches his eye in a coffee shop and calls him over, essentially to put his boasts to the test by having him charm her in front of his friends. The resulting awkwardness is more excruciating than funny and this is part of the problem with this movie: the funny bits mostly are not, and so then what are you left with? Jolie, as she was in many of her early roles, is quirky and winsome here, and Aiello has enough screen presence to anchor the movie, but the script gives them little to do that's genuinely interesting. The film is quite well shot with nice cityscapes around Los Angeles and gorgeous desert scenery once the pair gets on the road, but ultimately there is little here that entertains beyond the charm of the principals. I rather liked this movie, but ten minutes after it was over, I would have been hard pressed to provide specific details on what happened. Driving. There is a LOT of driving. And Jolie takes a shower in a way that is clearly intended to tease Aiello and keep him on the hook. But hey, we know she can be sexy; she became a superstar based on that talent fer cryin' out loud. Ultimately, it's neither a plot nor a character driven film. It's a mood piece and the mood is sweet, but tame and forgettable. It's okay, but approach with caution.
urbanmagic Great comic performances throughout, although Peter MacNicol, in a cameo role, steals the show! Early Angelina Jolie, looking stunningly beautiful, strikes the right balance of loopiness and reality. Anne Archer startles with an effervescent comic turn that will surprise her fans and delight the unfamiliar. Danny Aiello is the perfect everyman, at times innocently confident followed by sheer bafflement at the insane goings on around him. And Alfred Molina, is brilliant as Aiello's long suffering out-of-work actor sidekick who finds the perfect role in a real life drama. Independent film at its best. Don't miss it!
mtullo01 I tried watching this. I really did. But there just wasn't enough plot to hold it together, and the things that happened were just ridiculous in the extreme (two thugs robbing a gas station in the middle of nowhere?). The women are oversexed, the guys are stupid, and the minor characters (Boyd, for instance) keep changing their personalities like in a soap opera. It's also riddled with typical Hollywood jabs at rural/Southern life. There are no characters you can root for -- everyone is using everyone else. Dark, unfunny, disposable flick.
Nick Dets "Mojave Moon" is a film fueled on the magic of a full moonlit night. It has a distinct, memorable and charming presence. I love this very feel of the film, but unfortunately it wares off as the movie tries to reinvent itself at the end. It shifts into a different mood, from a sweet romance into a wacky, cartoonish comedy. Danny Aiello is a genuine actor, and his best work is in his little indie films like this. He plays a used carsalesman named Al, who is lost in a routine life. One day a beautiful free spirit (Angelina Jolie) serves as an outlet as he follows her into the Mojave Desert for a mysterious adventure. The premise is almost identical to "Box of Moon Light", a far better film. Both films are about a person serving as a way out of the deadly foe of time. If only "Mojave Moon" centered itself more on the wonderful magic of the journey and the life-changing outcomes like "BOM", instead of becoming untrue to itself. (Ironically both main characters are named Al).