Miss Marple: Sleeping Murder
Miss Marple: Sleeping Murder
PG | 11 January 1987 (USA)
Miss Marple: Sleeping Murder Trailers

When a young bride moves into a country manor, long repressed childhood memories of witnessing a murder come to the surface.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
pawebster The 1980s adaptations starring Joan Hickson are on the slow side by modern standards. This was in fact the last golden age of television before it was ruined by too many channels and the advent of the MTV attention span -- which has sadly affected us all, I fear. This version is lovingly crafted with delightful period details.Although, in its slowness, this version fails to build up the various suspects as sufficiently menacing, it is a good version which keeps quite faithful to the book. Geraldine Alexander is excellent as Gwenda and to my ears does a super New Zealand accent. John Moulder-Brown is a let-down as her unconvincing animatronic husband, beautifully dressed in the gent's outfitters styles of the period, but far too mannered in his perfect elocution. Joan Hickson does her stuff very well as usual.It is interesting (if depressing) to compare this with the travesty version starring Geraldine McEwan, where the plot has been mangled -- and garbled -- beyond recognition.
naughtyrubes I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It showed excitement and surprise all at the same time, and would I watch it again? Yes. Lots of times. My recommendation for this movie is VERY HIGH. Really - watch it. You'll enjoy it. Sit down with your favourite biscuits and drink and get ready to watch the movie, best watched with other people because I always love someone to laugh, smile and look shocked and surprised and puzzled with during movies! I recommend this film until I am red in the face, and let me say that Miss Marple is a very sweet and clever young lady! I am so happy to be recommending this movie to many people out there and then when you have watched it tell all your friends about it.
jamesraeburn2003 POSSIBLE SPOILERSA young man called Giles Reed (Moulder-Brown) returns home with his New Zealand raised wife, Gwenda (Alexander). They buy a house in the small seaside town of Dartmouth in Devon and a number of strange things happen. Gwenda feels that she has been in the house before and she sees a strange apparition on the staircase of a man strangling a pretty blonde woman. The couple contact Miss Marple (Hickson) and after some investigation, they discover that when Gwenda's father sent her from India to live in New Zealand, they stopped off in England for a while and lived in the house that they have just bought. They also discover that Gwenda's father was committed to an asylum because he was obsessed with the fact that he may of strangled Gwenda's step mother and he committed suicide while inside. Giles and Gwenda are convinced that a murder did occur in the house, but the step mother had several affairs and any one of her lovers could have done it. Despite Miss Marple's advice not to dig up the past, they start their own investigation to find the real killer and clear her father's name even though it all happened twenty-years before.SLEEPING MURDER is a long and wordy adaptation of Christie's whodunit, but none of the talk is irrelevant to the film's plot twists and it is superbly acted throughout. Director John Davies does very able work and the settings are well chosen to suit the film's sinister mood. A few flashbacks would of helped things along.
tedg Spoilers herein.These Marple films are driving me crazy! The books are so clever, so experimental and adventurous. These film versions are so ignorant of how the books are put together it leaves me breathless. In this case, the idea is that the house (including the grounds) is itself a witness, a character. The competing realities in this mystery are all triggered by that space. There are films that use architecture as characters, and do it well. But not here. What a waste.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.