Miracles for Sale
Miracles for Sale
NR | 10 August 1939 (USA)
Miracles for Sale Trailers

A maker of illusions for magicians protects an ingenue likely to be murdered.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
JohnHowardReid Producer Joseph Judson Cohn (who rarely took a credit for his work) was once asked how long he had been working for M.G.M. He replied, "I came over with Columbus!" And that was virtually the case. He joined M.G.M. as soon as the studio was set up and remained with M.G.M. until his mentor, Louis B. Mayer, retired. Alas, despite this movie's classy credits, and its comparatively short running time (71 minutes), it's something of a chore to sit through. Director Tod Browning seems to have lost his touch. On this occasion, he fails to grip his audience. Or maybe the unbelievable script was to blame. Promising ideas are often negated by faulty writing. And the acting is not what you would call "charismatic" either. Or maybe the players had already lost faith in the script before shooting had even commenced. Anyway, despite its innovative subject matter, the story is a feeble one at best, and what's worse, it doesn't make a good deal of sense.
MartinHafer Back in the 1930s and 40s, a bazillion B-mystery movies were made. Some were quite good, others rather cheap and indifferent. Despite his status as an occasional A-film actor, Robert Young was given the lead in this MGM B--and with very satisfying results.Young plays a debunker and magician named Michael Morgan. His character is a lot like today's Amazing Randi--and not surprisingly, psychics dislike him because he often is able to expose their trickery. He wanders into a strange situation where the trickery is so good that he seems almost ready to believe that these psychics MIGHT be real--especially because their tricks are amazing. How amazing is apparent after a murder occurs--and LOTS of weird things occur, such as folks dying and then seeming to come to life! The film, despite the magic angle, is at heart much like a Charlie Chan, Falcon or Boston Blackie picture. However, its writing is just a bit better as are the rest of the production values. In fact, it's done so well that it really sucks you into the story. Well done all around and a film I nearly gave an 8. And, incidentally, this is director Tod Browning's final film. Although he lived another 23 years, he directed no more films and I'd sure love to know why since so many of his films are brilliant.
Michael_Elliott Miracles For Sale (1939) ** (out of 4) Tod Browning directed film about an ex magician (Robert Young) who now spends his days tracking down fake psychics. One night he meets a strange woman (Florence Rice) and soon bodies are showing up and it appears they are being killed by spirits. Browning's direction is really lacking in this film as it really doesn't contain any of the charm or mystery that it's going for. Young is decent in his role and Henry Hull is nice as well even though she's pretty much wasted. Gloria Holden from Dracula's Daughter also has a small part. There are way too many twists in the film and it also contains one of the most obvious red herrings in film history.
chank46 The first time I ever saw Florence Rice, that I know of, was in Four Girls in White. I fell in love with her immediately! Don't let one of the other reviews fool you, Florence was a talented hard working actress with a natural appeal, the girl next door type. She also had a comedy streak in her. She and Robert Young create some real "magic" in Miracles for Sale. (pun intended)Tod Browning brings his directorial good sense to the proceedings. Miracles for Sale is a delightful slice of a bygone era.Sometimes being born privileged is a drawback. Was Florence the victim of petty Hollywood jealousies keeping her from being the huge star that she showed promise of being? Forty seven movies in ten years, OK they weren't all epics but she worked with some pretty heavy hitters. Perhaps in this day of DVD/VHS and our fascination with nostalgia, Florence Rice can be re-born into the STAR she should have been.
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