| 17 October 2000 (USA)
Militia Trailers

When deadly anthrax missiles are stolen by a militia, ATF agent Ethan Carter must go undercover and join the group to save the country from disaster.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
aloep Jay Andrews aka Jim Wynorski. Most people would probably think "Who?" after hearing the name but if you know a thing or two about B-movies, you'll probably be aware that this guy is the master of modern day Grade Z cheese. Yes, his work is on par with the infamous "Grade Z" Sci-Fi turkeys of the 1950's. Under many different aliases over the years, he's directed a number of dreadful so called horror films with tons of pointless nudity, outrageously bad sexploitation flicks starring the likes of Julie Strain and Nikki Fritz and finally, hilariously bad "Action" movies made up of stock footage from bigger budgeted movies often starring has-been actors in the lead which he usually does under the alias "Jay Andrews". Militia happens to be just one of those.To date I've only seen two of the "Jay Andrews" patchwork movies, this and Extreme Limits. This is a better quality movie in the sense that it isn't quite as cheap as the latter. There are about 3 original explosions and they actually hired helicopters here. WOW! Isn't that something? Compared to Extreme Limits however it is something, as it just used (extremely grainy) stock footage from Cliffhanger and Narrow Margin for helicopter scenes. However, what made Extreme Limits so unintentionally hilarious was the fact that it was the cheapest looking thing I'd seen outside of an Ed Wood movie, so the fact that this doesn't look quite as cheap kind of makes this a bit less fun to watch. But this is still pretty awesome in it's awfulness. The opening scene uses footage from Delta Force 2 and Rambo: First Blood Part 2. I am 100% against taking whole action scenes of stock footage from other movies. If you don't have the budget, then don't do it is what I say. The first thing that makes it obvious what's stock footage and what isn't is the fact the new footage is shot in dry California countryside, while the footage from these movies is jungle scenery. There are countless errors like this but more later. Later we are treated to Terminator 2 footage. Some advice Jim, if you insist on using stock footage in your movies, try to find some relatively obscure footage that people haven't seen. Terminator 2 was a highly successful movie and nearly everybody has seen it, so nearly everybody will recognise that. And besides, why would you want to watch an action scene you've seen in a far superior movie all over again in a movie that is inferior in every way? On the positive side, the new footage is edited together with this relatively well and isn't nearly as obvious as any of the scenes in Extreme Limits but the fact that everybody has seen Terminator 2 makes it obvious. In another scene, there is a brief chase in which Dean Cain and Frederic Forrester's characters jump from a moving truck which cuts to a scene of a truck crashing and exploding courtesy of footage from American Ninja 2. There was nothing remotely good about the original American Ninja 2 footage which was a relatively low budget movie itself and this particular scene could have been emulated very easily on a small budget. Just goes to show how little effort went into this project. Not only that, but both vehicles are different colours. And the patchwork only gets worse towards the end. I'm not quite sure where this footage comes from, but it is hideously grainy and the difference in quality is absolutely obvious. And again, we have the scenery conflicts. At one point we are treated to two missiles being fired at a building from stock footage, which we are meant to believe is the building Dean Cain and Stacy Keach are inside, yet we saw them walking into a completely different building earlier on. I can only assume that they thought we would have forgotten about that by then. Unfortunately, I had not. The performances are largely terrible. Dean Cain and Frederic Forrest don't look like they're interested in the film they're in at all. Jennifer Beals is very pretty, but has almost nothing to do in her part. The award for the worst performance by far goes to Stacy Keach, who hams it up in a totally over the top character who spends most of his time sitting on a chair and only interacts with 2 or 3 characters.Extreme Limits directed by Jim Wynorski as Jay Andrews has to be the most hilariously bad movie I've ever seen. Militia disappointed me in the sense that it wasn't quite as bad as that one, but this is still awful, Grade Z cheese of the worst kind and for that, it's still hilarious to watch.
NightoftheDawnoftheDayoftheDead I've seen that a few people caught the Terminator 2 scene. However, most of the comments seem to think they re-made these scenes, simply stealing the idea. No....THEY USED THE ACTUAL FOOTAGE FROM TERMINATOR 2! They edited the idiots in the movie into the scene, poorly, and even included the Cyberdyne Systems sign.I caught this movie on some movie channel late one night, and was really confused when I saw Cyberdyne show up, and then this travesty of a scene began. How #%!@ing stupid do you have to be to use THAT scene in your movie? One of the most high profile scenes from an incredibly popular movie, and nobody is going to notice? Get real.Avoid at all costs. If you notice it on TV, maybe watch it to see the horrible raping of the T2 scene and laugh, then see what else is on, I'm pretty sure it was right at the start, if not the first scene in the movie.Ripoff scenes are one thing, in the sense that an idea or sequence is copied, but actually using footage from other movies since you can't afford big budget large scale action scenes? That's a good way to make people lose any and all respect for the filmmakers ability, and to find something better.I just stumbled on this page on imdb by chance, after wondering what the heck this movie was called for quite a while, so now I can finally quit thinking about it. Good riddance.
radiohed-2 I watched the first part of this movie with a dropped jaw - It is an exact copy of Terminator 2 (Going into Cyberdyne Systems to retrieve the chip.) I thought it was a spoof at first. Did I even see the Cyberdyne Systems sign outside the building? A complete rip off, camera move by camera move! I'm scared. The millions of police cars, the police van, the security guard at reception, the second security guard finding the first security guard out of action (and complaining about him not being at his desk before finding him), the swat team, the man with big gun smashing out the window by rolling office furniture out of it and the firing at the police, the helicopter and search-light. Plus all the camera moves and atmosphere was the same... I'm really scared!
brianmellow The opening scene told me everything I needed to know about this film. I know next to nothing about ATF procedures and militia groups, but I will guarantee you I know more about them than the makers of this movie. The ATF raid on the militia camp was carried out with such ridiculous distortions that I immediately lost the ability to get into the movie. Maybe the makers of this movie should have used me as a technical consultant, and I would have helped them make a movie that wasn't so idiotic and contrived. Why do so many Hollywood movies ignore even trying to depict a sense of reality when they try to represent the actions of police or military or even militia groups? If the militia group was so well-trained, why were they all standing out in the open, making themselves perfect targets for the ATF gunships? I'm really sure an ATF tactical commander is going to order the destruction of all the buildings after the militia members surrender!!! Jeeez what a crock!!!!! Any interest I might have had in the remainder of this movie was utterly ruined by the ludicrous depiction of the ATF raid on the militia compound. I long for directors and producers who know how to set an air of reality (or at least the illusion of what I think reality might be) for a movie to allow me to immerse myself in it. It's obviously not for a lack of money. It also seems obvious that the makers of this movie were more interested in preaching some kind from some kind of Hollywood pulpit, disregarding the intelligence of the viewers. Hell...go ahead and make a statement if you want to, but do it without insulting the customer, otherwise you won't even get the chance!