Mike's Murder
Mike's Murder
R | 09 March 1984 (USA)
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Betty has a crush on her tennis instructor Mike. He promises to call her for a date, but never does – she doesn’t know he sells drugs on the side. After botching a deal on someone else’s turf, Mike has to disappear for a while. He contacts Betty – then he’s killed before they can meet. Betty tries to find out what happened, leading her straight into a hornet's nest of vice.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
rusoviet ...anything but - Smart industry personnel be they script, directors, producers, actor/actresses, set-property, agents, scribes - know the reality of the myth of ease per Los Angeles. The weather is the primer for the pump that has made the myth fact. LA is a very dangerous place for that very reason and this film does a great service in depicting what the naive step into to their own peril in assuming anything but that.Paul Winfield sympathy is so evident here for Debra Winger. The only real mystery is why she would be pulled to Mike to begin with - our boy Mike is a real fool who hangs with others because of the choices he's made already - got make some more scratch and I don't want to work hard for it.Great movie as noted the draw isn't so much 'Who dun it' as 'Don't be a fool, you've no idea who you are messing with!'
preppy-3 Betty Parrish (Debra Winger) loves Mike (Mark Keyloun) not knowing he's a drug dealer. He's murdered one night and Betty sets out to find who did it...and why.Muddled and downright boring attempt at noir. Director James Bridges also wrote the screenplay so he can accept full blame for this. Supposedly it was shot in non-chronological order and he was forced (by the studio) to recut it to run in chronological order. That could explain why it's so badly directed. However that doesn't excuse the confusing plot and lousy acting. Winger (a wonderful actress) is terrible in this. She shows next to no emotion and just wanders around. Only Paul Winfield is any good. The only good part of this movie is a very eerie sequence late at night. THAT worked but it came far too late to save the movie. I saw it in a small art cinema in 1984. When it started there were maybe 10 people in the theatre. When I left at the end (I kept hoping it would get better) I was the only one left! Boring and pointless. You can skip this one. It's obscurity is well-earned!
NORDIC-2 For some inexplicable reason, critics find this film hard to follow. Actually, it's very coherent and surprisingly powerful. Debra Winger plays a bank employee who falls for her tennis coach, a young stud named Mike. When Mike is brutally murdered by drug dealers, Winger's character, Betty, is drawn into the L.A. underworld in her quest to find out why he was killed. What makes this film so great is its quiet realism. Most latter day noirs suffer from over-the-top plotting, mega-violence, and cartoonish effects. Moving by indirection and inference, MIKE'S MURDER skirts a hellish world rather than diving in, a narrative strategy that makes it eerily believable and deeply disturbing. Check it out.
subcityii Last night, Debra Winger spoke about this film at UCLA. The campus theatre that shows films to the general public was renamed the James Bridges Theatre in honor of the writer and director of Mike's Murder. Debra said that Bridges was an actor's director. The scene in the film where Debra's character checks her phone messages and we hear a voice say it's mom-that was Debra's real life mother Ruth-Debra didn't know she would hear that voice until the moment the scene was shot!That example really highlights the strength of the film, the acting. All of the performances are first-rate. I was touched by Debra's quiet strength in the face of some sad and even bizarre discoveries by her character about her dead lover. A very underrated film!
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