Midnight Tease II
Midnight Tease II
| 14 November 1995 (USA)
Midnight Tease II Trailers

Jennifer Brennan gets a job at a strip club to try and find out who killed her sister. She works with undercover cop John Donnelly and befriends other strippers some of whom also get murdered by a very unhappy murdering murderer.

Micitype Pretty Good
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Soup Kitchen This movie is so god-awful! There are literally only four scenes! One scene: the unseen murderer killing strippers with a plastic bag over the head. None of the victims even seems to attempt to tear a hole in the flimsy little plastic bag. They just die. Then it's on to scene two: unattractive women with huge fake knockers dancing topless to a seemingly endless array of pop tunes which were never popular or indeed heard outside of this movie, as far a I can tell. The third scene is the "suspense" scene at the club as the new stripper (ex-penthouse pet Kimberley Kelley) who, you see, isn't actually a stripper at all, but is actually undercover investigating the smothering death of her sister, another stripper (these events presumably took place in Midnight Tease 1, which I haven't seen) snoops around for clues. The fourth scene is the scene where the Macguffin character, and artist (played by Paul Douglas) who likes to go to the strip club to find his muses for his paintings (P.S. Unintentional laughs abound when his work is shown, and is of a very low quality.) Take these four scenes and repeat them over and over again until you dash in a dramatic conclusion. Very boring, bottom of the barrel sleaze from Jim Wynorski and his buddies. Absolutely nothing to recommend.
Dr. Gore *SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* As much as I enjoyed the original, "Midnight Tease 2" proves itself to be superior with twice the breasts and twice the tease. As good as Lisa Boyle was in the first one, Julie Smith and Kimberly Kelly prove to be an unstoppable combo of stripper power. "Midnight Tease 2" even looks like it was filmed in an actual strip club. The first movie's strip club looked like a cheap set. The girls are hotter in this one as well. This is all my way of saying that "Midnight Tease 2" may well be the best stripper movie ever made. I thought that "Midnight Tease" had it in the bag but then along came Julie Smith and friends to prove me wrong.Once again, I must praise Julie Smith for being such a super hot babe. She's looking mighty fine in this one. She has about three stripping scenes and they are all hot. Kimberly Kelly is the star of the show and she makes the most of it. She has two lap dance scenes, ("I've never done a lap dance before…"), and two stage stripping scenes. She's got it going on. She's not quite hanging in Smith's league but she's up there.So once again some story about murdered strippers plays out as the girls bump and grind on stage. This time the girls are being suffocated by some madman. Who is the murderer and does anybody really care? Of course no one cares. But since you can't really have a stripper movie without some sort of "plot", you'll have to make the most of it. You'd think it would be enough just to watch a movie about a couple of days in the lives of strippers. Well, it'd be enough for me. Especially if one of the strippers is named Julie Smith.
benherover72 There is whole lot of nudity, the majority being of the high grade kind, but there is little sex throughout the movie. The women in the movie are really HOT its just a shame that I didn't see them in more sex scenes. The acting is average even for this genre of film, with the typical plot. I would rather recommend that you go to a strip club than rent this film, otherwise if all you have is a few bucks then it might be worth it.
refinedsugar Ah yes... Midnight Tease II... another T&A flick. We all know these types of films exist solely as a pretty sad excuse to see some attractive women parade around in the nude and on that level Midnight Tease II triumphs. Not much to say about the story other than it's typical for straight-to-video fare of this type... I mean where do they come up with this stuff? A woman goes undercover in a strip club to find out who murdered her stripper sister? Yeah, okay. Luckily the limp story never gets in the way of the ladies. So if you're a fan of late night T&A flicks and you want some nice looking ladies to peek at you know the deal here already. Midnight Tease II is your meal ticket. The ladies are fine and the movie features a great strip club atmosphere. Kimberly Kelley is easy on the eyes and keep an eye out for Julie K. Smith. A former Penthouse pet who can be seen in numerous other flicks of this type and some of Sidaris babes 'n bullets flicks. The hot blonde really kicks it into high gear here.