R | 11 October 2004 (USA)
Method Trailers

The line between fantasy and reality blurs when an actress begins behaving like the 19th-century murderer she is playing.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
TwoCrude I admit I have watched many of Liz Hurley's movies. Almost every one of them has been a disappointment (she was actually very good as an addict in "Shameless" about 15 years ago).Hardcore Liz fans should stick to "Bedazzled" and "Passenger 57". Sisto has plenty of good work in circulation; I am amazed that he stooped to this tripe. The DVD set of the short lived TV show "Kidnapped" is worth the price of admission. It even has Carmen Ejogo, an Englishwoman who can act circles around Hurley.Do not waste your time on this poor excuse of a mystery. You'd be better off doing your income taxes. And at least the tax return has a conclusion worthy of being called that.
dromasca If there is something like an average B movie nowadays 'Method' would fill in this role. The story combines in two interleaved threads the story of a 19th century serial killer, a widow attracting older man with promises of re-marriage and killing them to rob them of their money with the story of the making of the movie, in which the the principal actors live their own love story which becomes soon a murder story. The rather thin premise of the movie is that the acting method of identifying with the real life character can lead to the violence of the story penetrating real life.Although decently filmed and acted the movie suffers because lack of ambition and imagination. Much more could have been achieved by a more skilled director out of the violent fiction story slowly penetrating life. Although crime and suffering happens on the screen, we really do not care too much about this as viewers, one of the reasons being maybe because it is not clear whether the suffering happens in the fiction plan we are less involved with, and also maybe because the flat performance of Jeremy Sisto, the weakest from all the cast, in my opinion.It's a film easy to forget. I will probably remember nothing about it in a week or so.
smiley-32 I saw this film today on DVD.. It was also known as DEAD EVEN.. I gotta hand it to you.. That movie bored the hell out of me.. Yeah! There may've been a plot.. but this was beginning to put me at a point where I wanted to press the stop button.No wonder Elizabeth Hurley claimed that the movie METHOD was horrible. Horrible cast. Horrible crew. Horrible director. Horrible film.It makes me want to think that has Elizabeth Hurley made up her mind on giving up acting in movies? The only movie I have of her is PASSENGER 57.. I liked it not because of Elizabeth Hurley.. but Wesley Snipes. He was one those 'action heroes' that kept me glued to the film.Well, I know for a fact that Ms Hurley has been struggling to get her acting career back on track. ..and I think with this movie.. it seems that it's killed her acting career off.Years ago, and I still got the newspaper 'cut-outs' of all the movies that Elizabeth Hurley have appeared in and they've all flopped as a result. Is there a curse going around Ms Hurley as we speak? I believe so..Anyway, I'm bringing the DVD back tomorrow and I'm getting my refund. Sorry Ms Hurley.. that movie was horrible for me! Blame the director..!0 out of 10!
Electric_Sheep This may be one that goes to television viewing when one has nothing to do in the evening.The story is, as described by others, a story within a story which interchanges time to time - an actress back into the world of acting after a few year's hiatus (due to tragedies).The Movie on a supposed female serial killer from early 20th Century USA is acted out by Liz Hurley and her co star. They still have feelings and an eventual affair ensues. Oh, I forget - the co-star has his wife on the set as well. :-) There's also a reporter on their tails with blackmail material and lets not forget the cold blooded agent/mum of Liz.After 20 minutes it will become apparent that Liz eventually "merges" into her role so well (Method acting)that mysterious serial killings will occur on the set.Ending is very predictable and quite cheesy too, I mean (Big Spoiler Ahead) ... we are made to believe the spirit of the dead serial killer possessed Liz all the time, a spirit that travels from the US to the sets in Romania? :-) It may be worth glancing at if you like to watch good IL pouty lipped Liz. Apart from that, get a decent movie or a book.Cheers