R | 15 December 1993 (USA)
Metamorphosis Trailers

A virus from outer space transforms a bio-researcher into a blood thirsty monster. But chief, Dr.Vialini doesn't like the cops and public to be involved in this secret experiment. But he becomes lunch very soon.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jessegehrig First off I'd like to congratulate everyone who has written a review of this movie for IMDb, way to go! Honestly this is a movie better suited to be on in the background, like if you want to vacuum the living room and you want to have the TV on while you do it, Metamorphosis is the perfect movie for you. Perhaps you are a heavy drinker and need the light of TV to drink by, may I recommend this movie? If you have this movie on VHS, did you know it can be used as a cruel bludgeon, or as a paperweight? This movie probably played a role in some drug-money laundering scheme, because there is no way some one would want this movie to happen for artistic reasons, yeah and clearly it didn't make any money in the box offices. Some sort of scam was played on somebody either the financiers of the film or the IRS, but in no way can this be considered a legitimate motion picture.
phantasmda Oh my lord, I can't believe the rating system here only goes as low as 1 star. I was hoping to give this ridiculous pile of trash a heavy minus but I guess thats life. Where to start? Well, this was originally supposed to be a sequel to the 1983 low budget classic 'The deadly spawn' which for the meagre budget was an exceptional advertisement on how to make a horror movie with a few pennies. Deadly spawn had decent acing (for a bunch of nobodies) good direction a decent if slightly simple plot and a brilliantly put together monster, not to mention bucket loads of gore. This supposed 'sequel' is amazing, it has none of that. The acting is excruciatingly poor, (I've done better acting trying to bunk a day off of work and failed) the script is unbelievably bad to the point of ridiculam and the rubber 'hand puppet' monster and childlike stop motion effects provide more cringes at how poor they are than scares. There's some blob monster that honestly looks as if it is being pushed around on a stick, I mean, c'mon. I can't say I have ever seen a horror movie quite this bad and I consider myself a fairly tolerant person. Some films are so poor that they become laughably enjoyable or mildly entertaining and then there's this, which is just downright painful. The thing that makes it worse is that the film had a budget of near $3m almost ten times that of its predecessor. and yet despite being made 7 years on (when effects have supposed to have improved) 'The deadly spawn' makes this film look like a college exam entry. If you want to live a happy and fulfilling life, then avoid this at all costs, however, if you decide to watch it someday, please purchase a pack of razor blades to accompany the viewing. Trust me, you'll thank me for them.
vyl This movie is crap. How else can I put it? Its... beyond bad? This movie is the ultimate badness. It has all the elements of a sub-B-grade movie.Firstly, forget the sci part of sci-fi. There is not even a pretense of real science in here. To be fair, there is also no attempt to call it science. Its a cheap monster-flick, and makes no effort to be anything else.Now, this can only be appreciated as a comedy. It is that bad. From the rather strange monster to the annoying computer-voice to the blocky white-painter architecture of the lab, its the representation of its genre: Those films that are so bad you have to laugh.Funniest moment... Alien Thing gets shot with the full output of a building-sized particle accelerator. Huge blue glow, sparks, and out steps a perfectly normal, unburnt human.
leathaface This movie was lots of fun to watch. If you enjoyed the anything-goes direction or creative-even-though-they-look-fake special effects of older monster movies, than you'll love this update, which almost seems to be a homage to schlock films. The plot is extremely simple, a top-secret organization finds alien DNA and begins to test it out on various animals. A scientist injects himself with the DNA and through a series of really gross, slimy, nasty transformations turns into a giant monster and runs amok in the lab where he works. First of all, the movie isn't for the faint of heart. It's really gory for the year it came out. REALLY. There was one part where the lead character gets his hand pretty much ripped to shreds by this frog-looking mutant, and he gets his assistant to pour sulphuric acid over it while the camera zooms in to show his mutilated hand being burned off. Or when his lab assistant gets her eyes gouged out. There's many, many other juicy bits, including a guy getting his head bitten off and another guy getting half his face ripped off, both shown close-up in all their glory. There's also many closeups of the scientist's festering, oozing skin as he transforms. There are many other outrageous looking mutants, like a dog that looks like it was spliced with a shark, and a giant monster crab. The movie is so full of special effects, makeup, gore, and weird looking, stop-motion animated creatures that you'd swear it was from the eighties. The monster that is killing people in the lab looks like a cross between a rhino and one of those Sandworms from Beetlejuice. This movie is great for a Sunday afternoon when you don't feel like thinking. It's more of a showcase for the great special effects than anything else.