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Messages Deleted
| 27 September 2010 (USA)
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A quivering voice begs to screenwriter, Joel Brandt, to pick up the phone on a message from his answering machine. Thinking it a prank, Joel deletes the message. The caller is found dead. Another caller leaves Joel a message; there is another murder...then another...then another. The killer has Joel's attention, and Joel has the attention of the police. Now the prime suspect in a series of murders, Joel discovers this psychotic killer has targeted him for a reason found within his body of work. Will Joel be able to re-write his ending, or be forced to pay the ultimate price?

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Brandon Morris Here we have a movie written by Larry Cohen, a man obsessed with phones. This movie is a true B list movie. It is a cliché thriller which likes to point out and almost humiliate itself for being a cliché thriller. Matthew Lillads acting in the movie was very well done in comparison with how the movie represented itself. The movie showed no signs of severe bad directed,writing, or acting but also did not show signs of it being phenomenal either which is why I gave it a 5/10. The events that confused the "Protagonist" and twisted the view of who was the killer was quite creative and I give props to Larry on that. Other than that you will get your usual thrilleresque type storyline with a suspenseful feeling of "who did it"I would recommend this movie if you are a thriller fanatic or you need a nice background to waste some time.
joe blow I ran across this film on netflix and the description pulled me in. This film would have received a 7/10 instead of a 6 if it had not been so busy pointing out the clichés that every horror film has, then doing that cliché themselves moments later. It tried so hard to make itself stand out from other horror films by bashing them for clichés that it winds up just like them. The acting was pretty good, but the story was pretty basic. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but to me the ending was nice. Sure I would have liked to know exactly what took place, but it gave me and the people I watched it with something to discuss after wards. If you have some time to kill go and watch this movie, but don't expect it to be a hidden horror gem. There are no jumping out of your seat moments and most of the time you can guess what will happen next, but still a very watchable movie.
Rich . What do you get if you cross several average actors,a 'witty' self-aware, self deprecating script and a bag full of clichés,acknowledged as being clichés by the script,making them super clichés?Robbed of an hour and a half,that's what.I've seen some bad films and often you can take the good from them and be pretty content.This film in no way offers anything even remotely close to redemption.....actually that's not entirely fair,it does.It ends.This movie should be used in a court of law to substantiate and complete the argument for euthanasia.Sticking to the old adage about ending positively I did take something from this film......I learnt never to go anywhere near any future project with anyones name attached from these credits.One star is the minimum I'm able to give this,but it's a little like saying that Hitler was just a bit naughty.
mgseries If the movie was released sometime between the moment everyone have a cellphone in the 90's and the beginning of police forensics like in the "CSI" TV Series, I would have certainly enjoy this movie.Movie started good, until the first murder. Detectives are there, but there's no forensics work at all to find out clues about the suspects, no fingerprints verification, no phone records verification, just suspicions and coincidence that Joel appeared on the 2nd crime scene, and listening to the message on Claire's answering machine: "That's our guy! Release the suspect!"I mean, c'mon, he's a professor at University, he should know better about all the common errors which leads to getting caught, but he just do everything for evidence to lead to him, despite above mentioned sloppy detective work.Also, after the 2nd murder, why didn't he activate the function to forward all his calls to his cellphone? When a stranger is in a hurry to go to the airport but reluctantly give you a half-way lift for 100$, WHY would you trust that person to wait for you, regardless how much you give him?Something that ticked me off, back at Millie's place, it is mentioned the original script was reflecting reality, and page 76, it is what's happening now. But Joel wasn't a bit curious to read further in order to figure out what's gonna happen next and find ways to avoid everything bad in the script.Avoid this movie, unless you're bored and have nothing else to watch but a light crime movie like this one. I originally give it a 1 out of 10, but I'll give a 2 instead for Gina Holden and Chiara Zanni.