R | 10 November 1990 (USA)
Meridian Trailers

After her father’s death, Catherine returns to her family’s gothic castle in Italy and gets caught in the web of a mysterious love triangle.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
SnoopyStyle Gina (Charlie Spradling) is restoring an old painting from the church in Italy. Her school friend Catherine (Sherilyn Fenn) returns to take over her family castle after being away for 10 years. A wizard supposedly create the castle and Martha has been the caretaker even since Catherine can remember. The two friends are taken by a traveling circus and invite them in for diner. Durint the diner, the girls are drugged. Catherine is taken to the bedroom by the leader Lawrence (Malcolm Jamieson) and given to his masked twin Oliver.This is made by B-movie horror director Charles Band although this has more in common with pulpy romance novels. This is either softcore porn with better than average plot or a B-movie horror with plenty of nudity. It's substantively not good compared to normal movies but this is simply a guilty pleasure. Sherilyn Fenn from Twin Peaks has always been gorgeous and this movie introduced the beautiful Charlie to me.
Aaron1375 I got this film in a pack with eight other films in it. I watched this one first because its very short description made it sound like it might be good. I was thinking a haunted house tell with some risqué scenes here and there. Instead, it turns out to be one of the most dull films I have ever seen from the Full Moon Studios. I just could not believe it was made by them, one never expects gold when watching their films, but one does expect more fun than this film had to offer. Even the music was reminded me of the music from that Pod People film. Someone pushing on a Casio keyboard for a minute at a time! The only saving grace was the two lead actresses who were very cute and you did get to see them nude. Not enough to save the film, I am afraid.The story at first seemed to have something to do with a girl who restores paintings. However, the focus is instead on this girl's friend who has returned to live at her castle. The painting restorer and the head of the castle view this show and invite the entertainers to the castle where the entertainers promptly drug and have sex with the two girls. At this point I am thinking it is going to be bad, but at least there will be plenty of nudity. Unfortunately, I quickly realize this film is not really much of a horror flick at all and only a slightly more risqué version of Beauty and the Beast. There is hardly any blood or gore and besides the first nude scene there is relatively little in the way of skin the rest of the way.Perhaps Charles Band wished to make a more serious in tone film, and I will not fault him for trying something different. One could almost say this is a horror film and a romance merged into one. However, it plays out way to much like a chick flick for my tastes as it needs more of anything! It also needed less paint restoration too. Yes, this goes on for way to long and the revelation here was not all that grand either. The ending was also relatively lame...just too much talking, not enough anything of interest to me when I have expectations of watching a horror film.
dragonhuntor May Contain Spoilers. This movie is old enough I think you can deal.Make no mistake, this is not a great movie. It is, in its limited way a fairly entertaining movie, but not great. Catherine owns a castle. Her and her friend invite a traveling show over for dinner. Debauchery ensues. PG debauchery. The main draw of this movie is, ultimately, is Sherilyn Fenn. She is adorable, and naked with her breast exposed a couple of times. Sherilyn and her breast have appeared in several movies some with more story. They are always a welcome treat. The movie, on the whole leaves a person unsatisfied. Unfortunately, movies that rely on nudity to draw an audience fail from the same fate as those that rely on special effects, they forget they still need a compelling story. the movie is short and feels long. There is little to no explanation of the characters who seem to have major behind the scene parts, like Martha and the priest. There is an evil dwarf but he actually causes a continuity error with what looks like an inter-cut rape scene that must not have been. Except for "the Howling" why aren't there more stories with werewolf sex in them? I don't know. Animated corpses feeding off the blood of the living no matter how enticingly dressed really don't appeal to me. Maybe someone could make a good nordic rape/pillage movie with skin-dancers but most likely it would be cheesy. oh well. We must just keep our eyes open for the gems as we ply thru the dregs.
slimedevil4444-1 This otherwise average film gets 2 extra stars for possibly the sexiest scene I have ever seen in a movie.I'm of course talking about when the 2 female leads are drugged and ravaged....I'm not a fan of date rape but this scene is done in a way that really works...watching the girls moaning and writhing as they are seductively stripped has to be seen by anyone who enjoys that type of thing.Unfortunately then a beast comes in the bedroom and starts making out with Fenn,and that is maybe a bit too weird.Too bad they didn't have a scene between the 2 girls...OK maybe I'm going too far but I can dream cant I?I saw Fenn in an episode of The Gilmore Girls recently and she sure still looks good since its been 15 years since the movie was made.