G | 28 March 1971 (USA)
Melody Trailers

Two youngsters declare to their parents that they want to get married. Not sometime in the future but as soon as possible.

Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Stephanie There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
norman-bloom I watched this movie when it came out in 1971 I believe.I was just 20 yrs old then.I enjoyed the movie very much and i got lost in it quite a bit. I even saw it twice that's how this movie had an effect on me.You see I spent some time in England during the late sixties till mid 80,s and beyond. You can see the effect the British have on me. I even bought the soundtrack to the movie and I still today have the album. It,s out of print as well as this movie. It is very hard to find. But i managed to find the movie on VHS in the library. I can,t find the movie at all it even was in the local video store about 10 years ago. I eventually had ordered it through Amazon. ca. I got it on disc. It plays well and no skips and the quality is quite good. I also do like the actors and Tracy Hyde being a very beautiful girl swept me away. Especially when she tried to put on lipstick and eye make up she was transferred to an older more mature British girl. She caught my eye and I was only 20 back then. You see how this film has effected me. I liked Jack wild in it as well as Mark Lester. The location was familiar to me and the music by The Bee gees was good to. I liked the song first of May when Mark and Tracy held hands and walked to the cemetery to be together. what an effect. Sadly we lost jack Wild in 2002 I think. he was a character and I liked his cocky accent. The movie hasn't been seen here at all I think I saw it run in Chicago on WGN some time ago. I wonder why TCM can,t pick up this movie. They seem to pick up To Sir With Love. Anyways I watched the movie just last night before I wrote my review down here. If this movie does come on do watch it alone to get the real effect of the time and the places in and around London. It will always stick in my mind as I am now 63 years old...
stephennoel Pure nostalgia, yes I was a youngster in love at a ridiculous age, we use to meet in secret, awkward kisses and infatuation, so I can relate to this film. Well acted, and well written, innocent times in the 1950's early 60's but still a potent reminder. Rumour had it Mark and Jack didn't get on during the filming or after and none of them really moved on except for Jack who's life was tragically cut short.Purely for nostalgics like myself, sentimental, soppy if you like, but none the less a good film and well done by all. I have my own copy now and the theme tune alone, the Bee Gees, is worth listening too, even today.
rochacon Hello! There's a beautiful trailer of this film at YouTube... It contains some great moments, but unfortunately without the songs (it was posted originally with a mix of the songs of the film...). .You all who love this film must see it, while waiting for a DVD release in America, mainly here where I live (Brazil)... This was a film that I always remember from my youth, and I think most of people do the same way. Here, we had only a TV presentation (80's, I guess) and after that, no more information we had about it.Sorry about my poor English, but the intention is just to share the link for those who want know a little bit more of the film...My bests...
charltoncourt I finally tracked this film down & have a Region-Free British DVD, perfect quality picture and sound...apparently the guy I bought this film off in the UK got hold of a number of studio limited releases and if you contact me ( I'll forward you his details.This film has to be shared, the beautiful shots of South London, Soho, Battersea, Fulham etc. in the 70s are priceless and the killer soundtrack by the Bee Gees is still as timeless and moving as I remember when I first saw this film at 10 years old.Jack Wild is no longer with us but the memory of, in my opinion his best work in 'Melody' lives on.....