La luna
La luna
G | 10 February 2012 (USA)

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A young boy comes of age in the most peculiar of circumstances. Tonight is the very first time his Papa and Grandpa are taking him to work. In an old wooden boat they row far out to sea, and with no land in sight, they stop and wait. A big surprise awaits the boy as he discovers his family's most unusual line of work. Should he follow the example of his Papa, or his Grandpa? Will he be able to find his own way in the midst of their conflicting opinions and timeworn traditions?

Alicia I love this movie so much
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
shuna-14122 This movie is interesting movie. the characters are cleaners of the moon. For the main character, the boy, he has not ever been to the moon. So, he is taught to operate to change phases of the moon. His father and grandfather has each different way, so each tries to teach the boy, they quarrel. 2times. First, they quarrel how to suffer of the hat which the father gives the boy. Second, they quarrel how to sweep stars. General also, by generations difference people quarrel the way to carry out. But, the boy discovered how to break the big star so they come not to quarrel. I think general quarrel is little things. In this story, the boy play a role to inform that things.
Stompgal_87 I first saw this short on YouTube and at first glance it was beautiful to look at but the story was hard to understand to begin with. Three viewings later (thanks to my rental copy of Brave), I had a slightly better understanding of the story and it carried a positive hereditary message.As I have already mentioned in my summary, two of the best aspects are the appealing character designs, especially the adorable little boy, and the lovely musical score. The shading is a tad dark to begin with but it is quickly illuminated by the moon with fallen stars on it. While the characters spoke gibberish, their actions were easy to read and the two different brooms cleverly resembled the facial hair of the father and the grandfather. The funniest parts were those involving the father and the grandfather disagreeing over how the boy should wear his cap and the boy holding the brooms up against the father and the grandfather but after this, the humour wore thinly - I suppose this short isn't intended to be funny. The moon and the stars are beautifully illuminated and I was amazed when the little boy disintegrated the enormous star into several little ones.Overall this isn't Pixar's best short but it is slightly above par with the likes of Mike's New Car, Red's Dream, Partly Cloudy, Mater and the Ghostlight and Lifted. 7.5/10 to round up to IMDb's 8/10 rating.
Neil Welch La Luna is the CGI short which accompanies Pixar's Brave. As always, there is a thematic link with the main picture: in this case it is to do with coming of age and bridging the generation gap.Papa and Nonno take Bambino out in the boat at night for the first time to help them carry out their work (he is given his first work hat). I will say no more about what that work is: that would spoil a number of surprises.The dialogue is cod-Italian, and the music is gorgeous. This charming, gently humorous little film is stunningly beautiful, and has a couple of quiet "Wow!" moments in it. I loved it.
themusgrat I don't know short films like these other guys do, but what I know is that after this short ended, I told my brother it was worth the price of admission just to see the cartoon. I say that, and I walked in the theatre after the short was well underway.The music is great, it's simply great, and it makes the film. I find it fascinating that the music does so much, yet the animation is so entrancing that the music is felt rather than heard. It's rare to see something on par with excellent music. I write this only because I'm desperately searching for an online copy, I must see it again.
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