G | 16 June 2017 (USA)

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A Pixar short about a lost-and-found box and the unseen monster within.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Kirpianuscus An old fashion moral lesson. so simple than it could be more than convincing. about a bully, a wood box and...something. this simple story has the perfect clothes. because Pixar does more than a good job but a moving one because the sender is the memory of viewer. slices from school period. the bad boy and a precious lesson about respect. a film who does not demonstrate something. or give fun. or define things. only being good opportunity for remind to you yourself. and to define the life out of the sparkles of trends. so, a film like a hot chocolate cup.
Gordon-11 This short animated film tells the story of a playground bully in a school, who snatches toys away from other children. A mysterious being teaches him a lesson on how to behave appropriately with his peers in school.It is a sweet animation, and the children are very cute. However, it is not as heartwarming or touching as I expected. It is a good animation, but it falls short of the Pixar's very high standards.
Edgar Allan Pooh " . . . could be persuaded to have a change-of-heart, and totally Reform?" LOU opens with the proverbial playground tyrant stealing other kids' stuff on his elementary school playground, and otherwise tormenting them, with NO adult supervision in sight. It is unlikely, of course, that any perceptive U.S. Citizen will be able to watch these Deplorable outrages without being immediately put in mind of Red Commie KGB Chief Vlad "The Mad Russian" Putin and his Puppet, Rump. Fortunately for the children at this particular location, Putin's U.S. Secretary of Miseducation--Billionaire Fat Cat Betsey "Amway Calling" DeVos--has not yet turned it into one of her For-Profit Charter Brainwashing Shacks (which she has used to destroy the Detroit School System, so that virtually no polling place workers will have the skills to tally legal votes in that True Blue Loyal Union Label Stronghold in coming years). A magic Lost and Found Box gives LOU his comeuppance as this animated short concludes. Hopefully, Putin and Rump will open a similarly benign Pandora's Box BEFORE the outbreak of Armageddon.
tavm This Disney-Pixar short was shown before Cars 3. During recess, a bully takes all the kids' toys or other of their valuables and puts them in a box. A flashback is provided that explains some of his behavior... I'll stop there and just say there's some amusing stuff concerning a creature that can only exist in an animated cartoon but it's believable enough to suspend logical thought and it contributed enormously to my enjoyment of this short. Really, all I'll say now is I recommend LOU.
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