| 02 September 2015 (USA)
Mediterranea Trailers

Ayiva recently left his home in Burkina Faso in search of a way to provide for his sister and his daughter. He takes advantage of his position in an illegal smuggling operation to get himself and his best friend Abas off of the continent. Ayiva adapts to life in Italy, but when tensions with the local community rise, things become increasingly dangerous. Determined to make his new situation work he attempts to weather the storm, but it has its costs.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
davidsid-davidsid Let's make it clear that people coming to Europe to earn a decent work place are most welcomed. The main character played his role very well and at one point I've even forgotten that it's a film and not a reality show... But all the actors did an amazing vivid job in creating this film. The story begins a bit blurry but I guess that's not uncommon in places where the actual film sets off. As we go by, I was just hoping that they won't be telling us another story about a "random" journey in the desert... Everyone living in households where there's a toilet indoors should realise how lucky we are and be fully aware of other lives struggling for every piece of bred on a daily basis. It's interesting, because normally I'm against any kind of migration BUT seeing this chap's story I could imagine that lives like his is occurring. I can also understand, however, the European reaction to this hybrid environment where your street, your park, your town doesn't look like what it used to be yesterday. The changes are dramatically and we need to separate terrorist from real migrants! Q: Is this symbiosis necessary? And if it is, couldn't it done more civilised?
Paul Allaer "Mediterranea" (2015 release from Italy; 110 min.) brings the story of Aviya and Abas, two guys from Burkina Faso (in central Africa). As the movie opens, we see them starting the long journey towards Tripoli (2700 mi. away), by truck and by foot, through deserts and towns. At one point, the group of about 20 is ambushed by 'desert pirates', and by the time they are to depart from Tripoli, they have nothing left but the shirts on their backs, literally. After a dangerous trek across the Mediterranean See in a Zodiac boat, they arrive in Italy, and hook up with an acquaintance already living in Rosarno, in southern Italy (just past Sicily). What will become of these guys? How will they be treated by the locals? To tell you more would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all plays out.Couple of comments: this is the debut film of writer-director Jonas Carpignano, and what a movie this is! I cannot claim to know whether what we see here is realistic, although it certainly resembles the images that we have seen (time and again) on TV of the many migrants from Africa, in a desperate quest to make it to Europe. This movie premiered at Cannes 2015, so this was probably filmed in the Fall of 2014, if not earlier. In other words; before the trickle of migrants became a wave until it became a tidal wave. What I'm getting at is that what we see here, as tough as it is, probably was the "good era" before European countries felt besieged. It's also noteworthy that we are not given any information as to why these guys are fleeing their home country: is a civil war going on? or are they simply tired of their economic condition and want to build a better life in Europe? The director does a great job giving us the nuances of what it is like for a small town in Italy to be confronted with these uninvited migrants from Africa. I was not familiar with any of the lead performers, but the actor portraying Ayiva is nothing short of outstanding. Bottom line: this may be uncomfortable viewing for some, but, even putting aside the humanitarian aspects of these issues, I thought this movie was excellent.As mentioned, this premiered two years ago, to critical acclaim. It never made it to the theater here, but by happenstance it played last week for one screening only at my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati. That screening, presented by the University of Cincinnati's "European Film Series", was attended very nicely, I'm happy to say. "Mediterranea" is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
pocketapocketa I knew nothing about this film when I sat down to it as part of a project to choose films for distribution in the Czech Republic. I took to it fast. The hand-held camera takes some getting used to, and there were times when the action was unclear due to a lack of light. The style was appropriate for the most part, however, suiting the subject and setting. The main characters are sympathetic and their stories comprehensible from the start. The brothers Ayiva and Abas we travel with from a few minutes into the film, are believably differentiated throughout. I personally understood Ayiva, whose POV the film takes, and who seemed to take a rope-a-dope stance to anything the world could throw at him, but could understand why his brother might look down on him for it.The film is gentle. Never preachy. The acting is natural. I have come across references to the main characters having been played by non-actors, with Ayiva played by a refugee whose story resembles his character's. True or not, it feels real enough. For most of the film, the story of the refugees life here stands in relation to many other similarly-themed films as Jarhead stands to other war films: though there is action, it's low key, with much of it relating to work, to getting hands on a bargain, Skypeing home, the rituals of food. In the last third of the film, this changes somewhat, but if the pace steps up, it is never long frenetic.In 2015, this is an important film that deserves some real success.
David Ferguson Greetings again from the darkness. Success on the film festival circuit is much deserved for this first feature film from writer/director Jonas Carpignano, as he expands his short film A Chijana (2012). It's based on the true story of a young man who migrated from Burkin Faso to the southern Italy town of Rosarno. What makes this special is that the real immigrant, Koudous Seihon, stars in the film and recreates much of what he went through.We witness the obstacles facing those trying to leave Africa … they need money and assistance and a whole lot of luck. Mr. Seihon plays Ayiva, and he is traveling with his brother Abas (Alassane Sy). The rickety boat they pile into is one most of us wouldn't consider sea-worthy enough to cross the Mediterranean Sea (especially through a storm), but it's their only option.They are certainly disappointed in the shanty town that becomes their new home. However, soon enough they realize sleeping on the ground in cold weather with but a thin quilt is no hardship compared to the everyday risk of violence and racism. Most of the locals are not welcoming in the least, and the hatred often escalates. It's what led to the riots of 2010, which director Carpignano touches on here.The film has a no-frills docu-drama feel to it, and Seihon has a real screen presence. Ayiva's survival skills are enhanced by his ability to blend into his environment – he becomes what he needs to be to persevere. Unfortunately his brother rebels and lets his anger affect his actions. The real world struggles of migrants and refugees are a global issue these days, and the film brings into focus some of the struggles faced by those who see no other option.