Mean Guns
Mean Guns
R | 21 November 1997 (USA)
Mean Guns Trailers

One hundred mid- and low-level gangsters who are on their boss' bad side are locked inside a newly-built high-security prison, and given plenty of guns, ammo, and baseball bats, then told that the last survivor will get a suitcase with 10 million dollars.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Wordiezett So much average
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Chance_Boudreaux19 The movie has a very cheap vibe, the action is shot in a very trashy way, the movie is clearly on a tight budget but all this is to be expected from an Albert Pyun movie. This isn't as good as Cyborg with JCVD which is glorious schlock but it is up there with Pyun's best. Christopher Lambert shot his scenes in two days and it shows, I am curious as to how long this whole movie took to shoot, it couldn't have taken much longer as Lambert appears in half the movie at least, of course in some scenes where action is meant to take place around his it can be seen that his scene was shot separately from the others. Despite all this it's very entertaining and the promise is pretty clever and fun, makes you think how much better the movie could have been if it had a bigger budget. The only downsides are that it could have been 10 minutes shorter as well as the ending which I won't spoil which was disappointing although well set up.
david-sarkies One hundred hit men are locked in a prison with a thousand guns and the last three left alive gets ten million dollars. Sounds a bit to me like a recipe for disaster. Sounds also like a pathetic excuse for some pointless violence. The violence on one hand may seem pointless, but I feel that there is a lot more to this movie than simple pointless movie, and those who simply argue about the shamelessness of the violence in this movie will have missed the point.My friend compared it to the Italian movies where in the end everybody is dead. We must remember that everybody (except for two people) who are in this prison are all there for one reason, and that is because they upset the syndicate. Instead of just killing them, they told them that they must earn their freedom, but none can. Even Moon (Ice T), the syndicate boss who organised this little event, does not escape. The only people who escape are a little girl and an accountant that was dragged in there because she took too many photos.My friends commented that the dialogue in this movie was quite bad, but I feel that some of the dialogue extracts the theme to the movie. At the beginning, some of the hit men are sitting in a Cadalac and are swearing, and another does not appreciate this. The comment that comes out is the more that something is said, the less meaning that it has. This is the theme of the movie: the more you do something the less meaning that this deed has. These people are all killers, and as they have killed so much, the act of killing has simply lost all meaning. Moon says that the money is there because there is nothing else to entice them to do anything, but the mere existence of the money is not going to stop them from killing each other, it just encourages it. The whole idea of only having three people left is also very interesting, as it comes out as to who these three people are and they consider whether those that they are associating with are the three, or if Moon must be one of the three as well.The violence in this movie is not explicit, rather there is simply a lot of killing, and this emphasises the attitudes of these characters: they will kill another human without another thought. As such, none of them can be redeemable. It is interesting to notice that the accountant is the only one to survive (excluding the little girl who spent most of the movie in the car) and she was the only one who was not a killer, nor did she have any connection with the syndicate. The only reason that she was here was because she had evidence to convict the syndicate of many crimes, yet she escaped. Evil is so ingrained in society, that a few pictures could simply tear it apart. This prison, the symbol of justice in society, was built and is controlled by the syndicate, the symbol of crime in society. This paradox is the paradox of society - is there such as thing as an incorruptible judge? This movie is not a movie about pointless violence, but rather about the darkness of the human soul, corruption in society and they way that we become desensitised to the wrongs that we do. It is actually quite a good movie, and Moon is the type of character that Ice-T plays very well.
Sandcooler This is a really strange movie. While most brainless shooters have like build-up and background story and all stuff like that, this one just gets straight to the point. A planeload of guys are standing in a room, suddenly guns and bats come falling out of the air and everybody starts killing each other, and it never really stops. When you don't hear gun shots, you hear mambo music or something like that, but it soon gets interrupted with even more shooting. So, after a while, groups start forming and they start shooting some more, and then the last survivors get together in a room and in a clever twist they shoot at each other some more. Long story short, there's shooting. When it comes to movies revolving around guns, pseudo-tough guys and hot babes, this one outranks all others. Never was a movie so uncomplicated, so plain dumb and so suitable for the people who just want to see people get shot without that annoying thing called a plot. It isn't very good of course, but at least it's honest and it can't really be taken seriously.
icet2004 Yeah this movie is funny and Ice-T was a big gun in this movie. good end.Ice-T's rap skills are very good.he is not good actor,but not bad too.average.this movie is strange.i have seen Johnny Mnemonic where Ice-T played's was Keanu Reeves Movie.Keanu Is Good Actor.Mean Guns is different than all other movies i ever seen. Ice-T is my idol from music.i love his album original gangster and his song Cop Killer.he is the best rapper ever.i have heard that Ice-T wrote a book and it's called the ice opinion.all that makes is pure gold actually,but movies sometimes bad i don't mean 'Mean Guns' i mean 'New Jack City'.Ice-T's only real rival in rap is Krs One.