Master of the Flying Guillotine
Master of the Flying Guillotine
R | 01 February 1977 (USA)
Master of the Flying Guillotine Trailers

A one-armed martial arts master is being stalked by an Imperial assassin, the master of two fighters killed in the previous film. When the One-Armed Boxer is invited to attend a martial arts tournament, his efforts to lay low are unsuccessful, and the assassin soon tracks him down with the help of his three subordinates: a Thai boxer, a yoga master, and a kobojutsu user.

TinsHeadline Touches You
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
badieidaleer I love Kung Fu movies. Cheesy with bad acting an no plot is just fine with me as long as the fight scenes are decent and there's an occasional laugh. There are no decent fight scenes in this and no humor either. It's as if every fight was choreographed and performed by a group of grade school students with a camcorder. This movie has no redeeming qualities and I am not sure why it has the high rating and all the glowing reviews. Don't waste your time with this one.
Michael_Elliott Master of the Flying Guillotine (1975)*** (out of 4)Outrageously entertaining Kung-Fu flick has Lui Ti Lung, aka the One-Armed Boxer (Yu Wang) killing two men who happen to be friends with Fung Sheng (Kang Chin), a master at the weapon known as the flying guillotine. Fung Sheng sets out for revenge by killing any one-armed man he comes across. I take pride in watching as many weird movies as I can and I must admit that I'm kicking myself for not checking this one out sooner. Yes, the plot is simple, the acting fair to poor and the camp level is high but there wasn't a single second where I was bored, which is the important thing. Just when I thought I had seen it all something else extremely crazy would happen and just pump more energy into everything going on. There's no doubt that this film influenced countless others and one can even see the influence certain characters had on the game Mortal Kombat. What I loved most about the film is all the imagination that went into the various characters, stunts and fight sequences. The tournament that happens early one features countless fights. The first one is crazy. The second crazier. The rest just keep topping one another in pure craziness and it's so explosive, over-the-top and violent that you can't help but have a smile on your face. The craziness doesn't stop here as we get several other crazy fights including one that takes place in what's pretty much an over where a guy is getting his feet cooked by not being able to escape. Another memorable character is the swami who has the ability to stretch his arms out. Both Wang and Chin are very memorable in their roles even if neither give what one would call a "great performance". The supporting players fit their roles just fine but once again one shouldn't be expecting Oscar-level performances. The main reason to come to this film is for the camp value and all the outrageous and non-stop fight sequences. Fans of action are going to eat this thing up and those who just want to have fun will have to add this to their collection. For the longest time I thought the flying sphere from the PHANTASM series was the coolest weapon in movie history but that has been replaced by the flying guillotine and the various heads that it chops off.
poe426 While by no means as imaginative nor as well-crafted as THE Chinese PROFESSIONALS, THE MASTER OF THE FLYING GUILLOTINE (the second in Wang Yu's ONE-ARMED BOXER series) is nonetheless well worth a look. Handicapped, if you will, by its skeletal storyline, OAB2 more than compensates with way over-the-top action performed by out-of-this-world characters. (One can almost overlook the fact that the blind headsman with his birdcage-like "flying guillotine" learns of the death of two disciples AFTER their deaths via carrier pigeon, though how they knew in advance that they were done for is never explained. Logic never rears its ugly head.) Like THE Chinese PROFESSIONALS and the later RETURN OF THE ONE-ARMED BOXER, OAB2 boasts some Fantastic fight scenes. Highly recommended.
lemon_magic I had heard good things about this movie, but words can't really do it justice. This is pure, raw, un-cut 'porn fu', people; it is completely uncompromising and internally consistent in its world-view and aesthetics. It's old school kung fu film making, pure and simple, with absolutely no concession to mainstream expectations or conventions, and you have to admire its director and producers for their dedication to their vision.I think the most incisive thing you can say about MOFG is that once you've seen it, you will always remember it, no matter how many kung fu or sword play movies you've seen before or see after-wards. Although it incorporates almost all the standard motifs and story ideas from traditional Hong Kong films, the filmmakers made dozens of choices, both major and minor, that implement these old-time plot devices and visual clichés with a vehemence like few films you've ever seen. From the sheer viciousness and cruelty of the featured weapon ( the Flying Guillotine, which yanks off heads at the neck), to the implacable ruthlessness and seeming unstoppability of the Master (who is a genuinely unsettling and scary guy) to the carefree brutality of the tournament duels, to the ear-splitting Foley and sound effects to the offbeat and ruthless strategies and tactics of the one-armed boxer to kill the killers who are after, you will be talking about this movie to anyone who will listen for years after you see it.Any fan of Hong Kong film making ought to see this film at least once.
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