R | 12 June 2008 (USA)
Martyrs Trailers

A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads her and her best friend, also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.

Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
bluecoldpeace I am a fan of stupid movies, but problem starts when you read and hear that this crap is called artistic...really?for god sake no plot, no character development, not disturbing,not frightening,nothing...this movie is at most optimistic view, like the worst BDSM porn ever, nt a movie, you can dishonor the title of movie by this moving pictures.The writer,if it has any, and director tries to be difffernet, BUT IT EVEN MAKES IT MORE NONSENSE. not even worth to see just in order to say you see one of the worst movies ever, cause the set, music and sometimes actings are in the level of a middle class you have something between worst and middle which means a total waste of time...I am sorry for those who rate it high,they have not seen much movie I guess.
sol- Agreeing to help a childhood friend exact revenge on those who she suspects abused her as a child has severe consequences for a young Québécoise woman in this unusual thriller. The film has been described as everything from a horror movie to torture porn and to say too much of the plot may ruin a fresh experience, but suffice it to say that the story features a raft of plot twists and turns designed to challenge one's perceptions. The project runs a little too long with several of the gorier scenes towards the end growing repetitive (hence the 'torture porn' label), however, the way writer-director Pascal Laugier deliberately drags out the proceedings makes it all the more intriguing with exposition only delivered in very small doses before a quite startling revelation in the final ten to fifteen minutes. The film is furthermore topped off with a haunting (and deliciously ambiguous) ending, and perhaps most remarkably, the film avoids ending on a depressing note despite it refreshingly defying genre expectations with regards to revenge thrillers. Certainly, the way the film concludes is hard to imagine based on its initial stretch. By all means, 'Martyrs' is a difficult film to watch, but it brings to mind some potent notions while managing to elucidate some of the desperation that could lead to human beings doing unspeakable things to one another.
dandbone I had it for a long time in my watching queue. I'm not much into horror movies which deal with torture, but this one was well worth it. Yes, there is torture, and I'm not sure what is harder to watch, the part that is shown, or the part that isn't.The first half of the movie didn't feel surprising. There were a few small twists, but nothing to predict the second half. Though some of the scenes were hard to stomach, the movie kept me guessing until the end. And it was a horror movie end, utterly devoid of hugs and kisses.The reason I think this movie was great, is that there was a philosophical angle to it. Though there is no talk or even mention of religion, they went from screams and slashing straight to Jesus Christ and the meaning of life and death in one flash (maybe less than 5 minutes). That's some brave artistry.I won't spoil the movie, for those who want to watch it, but do yourselves a favor, and toss that Eli Roth and Tom Six garbage into the trash bin and watch this instead.
Dsuarezmlc12 The movie has a plot that it is shoddy at best and only needs ten minutes of screen time to portray it. Its lauded by some as such a good movie but has plot holes and doesn't seem to advance at all while only dragging on. Some will say I missed the point but movies like No Country for Old Men which is an in depth character study, Manchester by the Sea which explores humanity, Pulp Fiction which is a craft in more ways than one, etc. all convey their message and craft excellently. This movies is part horror, part torture-porn, part existential film. It tries to have some deep meaningful message which depending on the way you look at it is just gonna make you mad. I'm not saying that it should have ended more jovially but it doesn't give you anything to hold on to, really, just the images but not a message or a plot. Sure this movie will stick with you and make you feel depressed and question humanity but it does so in a similar way that a ten minute real life gory video will. If all it pretends to be is a movie that makes you see how ugly humanity is, like i said, ten minutes would have been enough. It throws in a shamble of a plot an some kind of allegedly meaningful ending but its just a big balloon full of hot air. A pretentious film that acts like it is more than it actually is. There are other movies labeled as pretentious that actually have a coherent message and strong plot and strong character study, this has none of that and ill stop now before this gets any longer.