Man on the Train
Man on the Train
| 09 May 2003 (USA)
Man on the Train Trailers

A man, Milan steps off a train, into a small French village. As he waits for the day when he will rob the town bank, he runs into an old retired poetry teacher named M. Manesquier. The two men strike up a strange friendship and explore the road not taken, each wanting to live the other's life.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Diako Sorani The movie has a simple and short story. John an experienced bank rubber (acted by Johnny Hallyday) enters a small town to rub a bank. By accident, he meets an old school teacher, played by Jean Rochefort, that happens to be so kind that allow him to stay at his old antique place. Apparently these two guys have totally different backgrounds but they share a common thing. They are not happy. The old teacher is thirsty for adventure while the the experienced rubber is sick of it. This contrast is the essence of the story and in fact thats all what the movie is about. The main focus of the film is on the interaction between the main characters and the way they affect each other. Even though they don't really change their course of life but at the end, in a surreal scene, it seems that they really have wanted to change their places.There are a few things that I like to mention about the movie. First it has a slow pace, building gradually without any intensity or complication. Definitely this is not always a good choice but the style perfectly fits the story. However to my opinion there are some parts that doesn't add any meaning to the whole. For example the scene where the other thieves are trying to steal a car to use it in the rubbery is really extra (maybe it was there just to advertise BMW cars) Another example is the mysterious driver that doesn't speak at all except for a short sentence at 10:00 am each day. I don't understand what is the point of putting this in the story? The choice of the actors is great. Specially Johnny Hallyday with his Wolfy-eyes doesn't need to put much effort into the act, we just believe it! At the other hand Jean Rochefort's act as expected is perfect. The music is beautiful. In some places, the sound of piano interleaves with the gangster-like theme that is quite clever. It also helps the director to better depict the atmosphere of the story.In overall I enjoyed the movie. Good job!
poe426 From start to finish, a beautifully understated film that gradually draws you in. The cinematography, which showcases some excellent performances enhanced by deft direction, is to be envied. In fact, there's nothing in this movie that's not to be envied. Although the storyline is a tad predictable, it's the journey that's important and not the destination. (And the route taken, I stress again, is about as picture-perfect as it gets.) It's rare that a film made along these lines doesn't punk out; that this one doesn't is a feather in the cap of all involved. Tired of the same old stuff? Check out this one. If you like great movies, you won't be disappointed.
elonganor Homme Du Train (Man from the train) is about two man, one a gangster showing up in a small provincial French town to pull a robbery in its small branch single bank. Surely he arrives a few days prior for planning purposes. Being such a small town, no open hotel (out of season) he find himself guest in a home of a local old retired professor of poetry. The Teacher is lonely and bored, looking for pal to talk and drink with.Two very different types at the beginning are gradually getting closer to discover the qualities and the similarities between them. The story gradually develops to a point where they cross each other path the Gangster becoming a teacher of poetry and literature and the Teacher wishing to become a gangster. It is about faith.. we develop in life to become what we become greatly by faith and not by choice..circumstances change and we change accordingly. Very thoughtfully movie keeping , excellent job by both the actors and the maker of the movie
Nice Guy The story of two men one quiet and shy missing all the defining thrilling moments of life, the other living the adventurous life of a con always running and never planning.They get a glimpse of each other's life and long for it.This is a quiet movie about 2 middle aged men rethinking who they are and what they could be.I give it a 7 as I relate to some of it and I think it is well acted. I think it is targeted more to 30-40 year old crowd.The lack of sex and explosions will bore the average viewer expecting a Hollywood flick. This is more about substance than form.