| 22 April 2006 (USA)
Mammoth Trailers

On a hot summer afternoon in the sleepy town of Blackwater Louisiana, a meteor streaks across the sky and crashes through the roof of the local Natural History Museum. The meteor is actually a spaceship containing an alien life form which animates the museum's partially frozen Woolly Mammoth and begins a rampage. Local authorities and Government Investigators join forces with Frank Abernathy, the Museum Curator, and his father Simon, a B-Movie enthusiast, to bring down the giant mammoth in this alien-invasion flick!

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Theo Robertson I wasn't expecting much from this movie which is just as well . The premise is silly - aliens causes a woolly mammoth to come to life which then stalks the land . Obviously the budget ran out after the cast were given contracts so the production company couldn't afford basic CGI and the title creature appears very rarely . Instead like most of these features the story involves some teenage jinks like the good girl sneaking her boyfriend in to her bedroom . No monkey business because she's a good kid .It really is ridiculous how the producers go out of there way to disguise the budget . There's a rule about screen writing where would be writers are ordered to " show don't tell " . Unfortunately someone thought " Play mammoth noises offscreen " is showing . No it's not - it's telling . All in all a rather low budget affair which is very talkative and boring . Though in its defence MAMMOTH is inoffensive
Claudio Carvalho In Louisiana, the clumsy director of the local museum, Dr. Frank Abernathy (Vincent Ventresca), removes a weird device from a frozen 17 ton mammoth, actually a GPS that brings a spacecraft with an alien entity to Earth that falls into the local museum and revives the mammoth that hosts the lifeforce. The animal attacks the security guard first and the population later. Special Agents Powers (Leila Arcieri) and Whitaker (Marcus Lyle Brown) seek out the paleontologist Dr. Frank to help them to destroy the mammoth; otherwise the government will blast the town. Dr. Frank concludes that the animal must be frozen and together with his father and fan of sci-fi movies, Simon Abernathy (Tom Skerritt) and his sixteen year-old daughter (Summer Glau), they plot a plan to capture the mammoth.The forgettable "Mammoth" is an attempt of remaking those sci-fi movies from the 50's and 60's that unfortunately fails. There are references to many sci-fi classics, but the silly story does not work well alternating humor that is not funny and fiction. For example, the unnecessary death of Squirrelly is stupid and moralist and for the purpose of the plot, is absolutely useless. Simon Abernathy seems to be a lunatic in many moments and his son Franks is never funny, only clumsy. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "Extinção em Fúria" ("Extinction in Fury")
wsmith-26 I admit that SCI FI has set the bar mighty low when it comes to its original movies. So, I tuned in to Mammoth expecting more of the same. Well, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I really enjoyed this movie.Vincent Ventresca as Dr. Frank Abernathy is the main reason the movie works. He is sort of a cross between Bruce Campbell and the Absent Minded Professor, and brings a much needed dose of comedy to the story.The Mammoth itself is an unimpressive, not scary, CGI mess. But Tim Cox wisely minimizes its screen time and leaves it to the actors to carry the movie, and they do a fine job.The movie moves at a brisk enough pace that you are distracted from the lack of a strong story line. But, again, this movie is about fun, not scares. I recommend it.
PhilipGHarris How can you run out of ideas for a re-animated by alien technology zombie soul sucking mammoth? This film shows you how and it's a real shame.I appreciate that the film is not taking itself seriously (the Spaghetti Western showing it's intention for fun) but it takes ages for the comedy timing to hit form (in fact the autopsy room scene much later in the film) and most viewers will probably have lost track of the plot due to time spent flicking through TV pages, getting a brew etc.This shows a lack of concentration by the development team and jokes that may have seemed funny during the writing process clearly fail on the screen.Somewhat like The Faculty the film self references movies of its genre but unlike the aforementioned film Mammoth does this badly except on a few occasions (The Jurassic Park and "Werewolf howls" - Mammoth trumpeting parts). Having someone make movie references can work but they have to be logical choices and not used all the time.Too many good ideas are not fully realised and the film needs to decide if it wants to be a comedy horror or played straight as different actors seem to have different ideas.It is by no means the worst movie I have ever seen but it's definitely one for a very rainy afternoon.