Magic Boy
Magic Boy
G | 22 June 1961 (USA)
Magic Boy Trailers

Magically gifted boy Sasuke lives in peace, deep in the forest with his animal pals and Oyu, his elder sister. After their forest sanctuary is violated by a demon witch who devours one of Sasuke's animal companions, he vows vengeance. Leaving the forest, he sets out to master his magical gifts, making a pilgrimage to the home of the wizard Hakuunsai. While Sasuke learns the ways of magic, the demon witch terrorizes the countryside, and Sasuke works to complete his training in time.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
drwhite26 I ,like Jerri from K.C., saw this movie in 1961 as a Saturday matinée in the small Midwest town I grew up in. I was fascinated by the story and the animation. Up to them it had been Woody Woodpecker and Tom and Jerry for me. The animation was very artistic and the story something very different from cartoons produces in the USA. Like Jerri cried at the end of the movie. I have been searching for the movie for several years now, but, to no avail. I hope the whom ever currently own the rights will consider sharing it with the rest of us animation addicts. It really qualifies as some of the early Anime and would be a great addition to the collectors of this genre.
emmanuel-santos This was the first anime I watched and the detail, the story writing and lessons learned by "Magic Boy" were inspiring. Take any martial arts master teaching young student and multiply it a thousand fold and you have an inkling of what you can behold with this movie... okay I'm exaggerating. If I remember correctly, the art was somehow reminded me of those Chinese paintings of mist/cloud shrouded mountains since that is where he is trained by the old master. I particularly remember magic boy having to get pails of water two at a time and carry them from a stream down hill over craggy mountain boulders and winding paths, in rain, sleet, snow. I recommend this movie for those with kids... it can teach them of determination and perseverance. I know there are some sort of moral lessons in there somewhere... I wish I could watch it again!
stephen-63 I saw this on first release, on the big screen. Released by MGM (Japan).It has since been shown on UK satellite tv, but a long fight sequence seems to have been cut short. The transformation fight has some similarities to the later transformation fight in Disney's The Sword in the Stone - if you can watch the two back to back, the differences in style and tone are quite interesting.Magic Boy is relatively primitive compared to modern anime, however you can still see the attention to detail, and the importance of the story telling. The sheer determination of our little hero is quite something to behold.Worth checking out if you can find it and like modern anime.
jerlapoint I saw this flick when I was quite young ... around 1960 or 61. It made such a lasting impression on me that I would love to have the movie in video. I recall crying after the movie ended, because it was so beautiful. It started me on a lifetime of appreciation of all things magical and mystical. I can't find it anywhere. Is it available? Anywhere?
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