NR | 10 March 1953 (USA)
Lili Trailers

Members of a circus troupe "adopt" Lili Daurier when she finds herself stranded in a strange town. The magician who first comes to her rescue already has romantic entanglements and thinks of her as a little girl. Who can she turn to but the puppets, singing to them her troubles, forgetting that there are puppeteers? A crowd gathers around Lili as she sings. The circus has a new act. She now has a job. Will she get her heart's desire?

Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Tad Pole . . . as the 16-year-old title orphan patches together a wounded warrior's shattered psyche despite having less than half of ANNIE's emotional maturity. At least "Lili" starts out totally naive to the ways of the world, as her late watchmaker dad apparently home-schooled her (not very well) in some sort of bunker throughout WWII, and for seven years afterward. When Lili arrives penniless and friendless in an essentially random French town, she's nearly raped in her first five minutes off the bus. Following some circus people much like a stray dog, Lili turns out to be sort of an idiot savant at discussing her most private emotions with four puppets to entertain small crowds. She's hopelessly in love with the show's fair-haired magician, while never being able to remember that the dreaded "Angry Man" who voices the quartet of beloved puppet confidantes is totally manipulating her nightly public therapy sessions. It turns out that Angry Man has fallen head-over-heels for Lili, and is bitterly jealous of the magician. A former star dancer crippled in WWII, the war has split Angry Man into multiple personalities. It's Lili's task to solve his really complicated puzzle. See how she does.
labeyer Sadly, I've been confined to watching (and showing my little girls) excerpts of Lili on YouTube ... but it's clear to me that this movie is quite a treasure. The undertone of sadness is subtle, enriching the experience for adults yet not disturbing young children viewers--an impressive directorial balancing act! Moreover, the backstage circus world is a fascinating one for young viewers; this is a large part of why my daughters love Billy Rose's Jumbo (with Doris Day), even though that film has less enchantment than Lili. If any IMDb member might be willing and able to make a copy for me, please email. My family and I will be much obliged.
woodmont I too saw this movie as a six or seven year old and strangely remember the dream sequence when she was dancing along the road with the wolf. It haunted me for years! A very trippy sequence, since I have watched it as an adult and found it to be still very haunting and intriguing. I recommend for any classical film buff.Caron is excellent as the confused waif and the indifference of the puppeteer played out well. While dated, as any movie of its age would be, it holds up remarkably for viewers in this day and age. You will find yourself tied into it and staying with the story til the end.For some reason this movie makes me also think of Gleason's Gigot...maybe because of the french connection, but that is a movie made ten years later that is as engaging as this one.
raykelly21 I saw Lili as a seven or eight year old child, when I was home sick from school. I remember well the circus scenes. The rings, the trapeze artists, the ambiance. The story of this young girl, orphaned with little hope of a future, finding hope in a traveling show. The movie starts out as a tragedy, wherein poor Lili's parents die and she is trying to find an appropriate place in her universe. The story progresses to her finding a niche and climaxes with her joyful triumph of life and song.The song,"hi lili, hi lili, hi lo" still resonates in my memory. I can still hear the chorus as I am writing this piece. Remembering the movie's song and details after forty, that's a good movie!