| 08 October 2009 (USA)
Macabre Trailers

Six friends are captured and tortured by a murderous family after giving a ride home to a desperate stranger.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
GazerRise Fantastic!
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Arun George Newly-weds Adjie and Astrid, Adjie's sister Ladya and a few of their friends fall prey to the wicked cannibal family led by evil Dara in the Mo-Brothers directed 'Macabre'. While the scenario is inspired from various cult-slashers of the late 70s and early 80s, the treatment is what makes it stand its own ground.'Macabre' is indeed a lot more violent and gory film than you'd expect. The first 30 minutes neatly sets up the premise and nastiness follows suit. There are some skilfully choreographed kills and the writing is campy enough to draw cheers from the viewer. Although one initially hesitates to root for the protagonists as they consistently seem to be making bad decisions, the latter half is executed with sufficient flair. There are quite a few edge-of- the-seat moments. Julie Estelle as Ladya puts up a good effort while Shareefa Daanish who plays Dara is menacing. Shareefa's striking features add to the character: her wide eyes and stone-faced expression (until the climax), her unhurried movement and other-worldly tone of speech are intimidating. The rest of the ensemble do their best with what's handed out to them. The violence is gratuitous (easily on par with Rob Zombie's films); dialogues are sparsely used to convey the intentions and emotions of the antagonists. In fact a lot more is conveyed through expressions and actions than through excessive babbling. This helps 'Macabre' carve out a niche of its own in the slasher genre. Recommended for the lovers of horror, gore and slasher films. This definitely ain't for the weak-hearted!
andrewbarry6336 My first review was not accepted and I do not know why. So here it goes as I submit another review and hopefully it will get posted. This is an Indonesian Horror Film that came out in 2009 but wasn't made readily available in till 2013. It is subtitled and if you do not like subtitles I still have to insist you give this film your full attention. Directed by the Mo Brothers, most known for their short in V/H/S 2 called Safe Haven which was arguably the best in the whole series both 1 and 2, everything from the cast to camera angles works great in this movie.So let me jump in and give you the basic story and why this is one of the best horror films ever in my opinion.The story follows 6 people who are friends in a restaurant. As they are leaving they run into the beautiful Maya who says she has been robbed.They decide to take her home and are invited to stay for dinner after meeting Adam and Arman who are her brothers and we also meet Dara, who has the scariest stare I have ever seen and there is something that gives you chills watching this woman. Dara is the mother and that is the family.Soon after a nice 25 minute build up the group is killed off one by one. That is all I will say and I admit that it probably took some cues from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But while that movie was good, this movie is something special and I'll explain why.First when it comes to movies like this one of the important questions is the kills and pacing. While some of you might be turned off by the slow(but entertaining)build up. However it sets up everything nice and lets you get attached with our group of friends. Once the fun starts it never lets you go but keeps getting crazier and crazier all the way in till the surprise ending. This movie makes you question if this family is even something normal and while there is only a slight background on them, when we finally understand why their doing these killings, it's nothing short of insane. Do not read the story from anyone and just watch it, you will be blown back by the why.As for the kills I have to admit that they are really well done. I have seen a lot of over the top movies and then movies with barely any gore even though they should have more. Very rarely do movies like this land in the middle and everything is done right. Every kill in this movie is so memorable. There is a lot of blood and decapitation. You feel their pain and everyone in the family is an expert killing machine. It just makes for a lot of fun and I will admit this is one of the few movies that has actually grossed me out in a long time. If you aren't into gore there is more than just a lot of gore in this movie and you should still give it a chance. Dara is absolutely terrifying and a lot of people are saying unlike TCM who had LeatherFace, this movie doesn't have a memorable character. I am sorry to say Dara is one of my favorite villains of all time now and Maya I believe is the craziest woman ever. Arman is just plain nasty and Adam is a killing machine. The camera angles used in this movie are great and we actually get to see the kills instead of the usual technique used which is to show the start of the kill then jump ahead to the end result. They really aimed to let us see each kill fully instead of using that editing technique which is something we don't see to much. Dara makes this movie very special and what is freaky is how much she really does care for her family which I picked up on after watching it a third time. Which leads to one of the best things about this movie.This is one of those rare horror gems in which each viewing is better than the last. You pick up on things you didn't notice before and it just stays so entertaining you can't help but love it. If your a true horror fan then this movie is an absolute must watch because I promise you will never look at another horror movie the same. The only flaws for some people might be how little is explained about the family. I honestly would love to learn more and I believe there is talk about a prequel. But one of the nice things about this movie is how it leaves mystery and you WANT to know more about the family and the people they are "involved" with. Also as I said earlier if you do not like subtitles that is your only option to watching this movie. Besides those two things this movie really nails everything else which is so rare to see.I believe that no movie is ever perfect and everyone has different opinions. Well I give this movie a 10 out of 10 because everything just works so well together in this movie. It is blended together and gives you a fun and sick ride throughout. Some of the kills are so well done you cant believe what you just witnessed. The secret behind the family is never expected and you will want to watch it again after you learn it just because it changes everything. This is a must watch movie for any mild horror fan. You can watch this on also. Side note, ABC's of death segment L was done by the Mo Brothers. Keep an Eye on these two.
Maz Murdoch (asda-man) I've never seen an Indonesian film before, and the last film I'd expect from there is some gory horror film as I know they're a very conservative country who even reject Lady Gaga! Macabre is much more sickening than Gaga. The formula has been used many times before but to me it's far from tired. I love horror films that take place in a house run by a demented, murdering family. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Frontiers come to mind (both are favourites of mine) and Macabre offers quite an impressive and thrilling spin! We've all heard the story before, but a lot of films tend to get it very wrong, focusing on way too much exposition before getting down to the horror. Macabre gets down to it quite quickly, giving us an interesting half hour build up before all hell breaks loose! The great thing about Macabre is that it is never boring, there is always something going on very much like the remake of Mother's Day. One big problem with Macabre is that it's over-populated with way too many characters who all look very similar, or don't really have much character to them. Macabre lacks the character development that is needed in the slasher department, however that's not to say that aren't some character's to root for.At one point the film becomes so over-populated it's nay on impossible to tell what's going on! However, part of Macabre's entertainment value lies in its chaos. Make no mistake, Macabre is an extremely solid and very re-watchable horror film that would be perfect for those nights where you have a little party! It's a non-stop roller-coaster ride which serves up some extremely nasty treats. The character of Dara is memorably creepy and she's certainly a person you would not like to mess with. Her wide eyes, scraped-back hair and slow mechanical voice makes her a fantastic villain and one that you're not likely to forget.Another great thing about Macabre is that it has a very similar idea to blood and gore as French horror. That means it doesn't hold back! I think every scene features some pretty horrific gore which all adds to the entertainment and thrills. There are some really great practical effects, and inventive kills that should have horror fans drooling at the mouth. Macabre has been likened to Inside but I personally don't see that, other than there being a pregnant character in both films, and both showing a liberal idea to the use of blood, Macabre is much more Frontiers-esque. However, I don't think that Macabre is up to Frontiers' perfection.Frontiers exceeds in every way possible. Through the directing, writing, character development, music and editing. Whilst Macabre is pretty solid on the writing front some of the directing is slightly off-key, although most of the time it's pretty impressive with the Mo Brothers being sure not to film the action too shaky or too close so we can't see what the hell is going on! Macabre is quite choppy on the editing front and some of the lighting is also quite amateurish. However, I don't want to dwell too much on the negatives because this is actually a really good film and one which I enjoyed very much.Whilst Macabre may not be the horror masterpiece the trailer would suggest it still serves up some hardcore horror thrills that makes a good substitute for French horror. It's way better than most American stuff to come out and is never boring. In fact, I would've liked to have seen even more! The ending is creepy and the supernatural ideas also add an original and quite disturbing quality to the film. My only real gripe is that I bought the UK version and it might just be my DVD but it seemed incredibly blotchy to me, making the blacks appear more greyish-blue than black, which is a shame with the film spending the majority of the time in the dark! It kind of spoilt the experience for me. Hopefully the film will get a well deserved wider release with a better transfer. Highly recommend to all you horror lovers!
ichocolat Darah, or known internationally by Macabre, is arguably the best Indonesian gore/slasher film genre to date. It exceeds expectations, and delivers on what it promises; great scenes, and tensions that will keep you awake until the end credits.The film starts rather slowly, but it soon picks up tempo at around the 20-minute mark.There is a lack of substance in the plots, but the scenes made up for it. The graphics are cruel, crude, and certainly not for the faint-hearted.The slashing and the blood spilling continues right until the end. The wide-eyed Maya (the woman who eats human flesh to stay immortal) is downright creepy. But the person who takes the credit for being brutal is the baby-adult, an adult which dresses like a child, bespectacled and looks retarded. He is brutal, chopping heads from the body, and looking creepy without even trying.I commend the effort of the directors which takes the road less traveled. Nowadays, Indonesians film are littered with sex-oriented themes, and this film tries to run from the perceptions.A cool 10/10 for its effort, and the punches it delivers!