NR | 12 July 2014 (USA)
Lyle Trailers

A mother's grief over the death of her toddler leads to horror.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
blumdeluxe "Lyle" tells the story of a middle-aged lesbian couple that moves to a new apartment with their young daughter Lyle. When Lyle becomes the victim of a terrible accident, it soon becomes questionable if all just happened out of hazard or there's a more sinister plan behind it. Who can be trust anymore? The movie is of high production value for an independent film. I didn't feel so excited about the first half of the film but I have to say that the pace picked up and the tension started to rise in the second one. In my opinion, some of the mysteries could have been extended as they happen to come a bit out of the blue, the movie is rather short, so that wouldn't have been much of a problem. Nevertheless it is a film that keeps you guessing until the very end and at a certain point you can well adopt to the otherwise rather traumatized character.All in all this is one of the better independent movies within the genre. There is still some potential for improvement but especially the second half of the film is highly entertaining and will keep you caught in front of the screen.
Nicolette C First of all, this film has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes which is basically unheard of and should tell you something. Also, if you read any of my reviews I live for indie horror films and I can be brutal in reviewing them but when I love something I get really excited. This is a movie to get excited about. Gaby Hoffman is so terrific and real and raw and crazy you can't take your eyes off of her. Is it like Rosemary's Baby? Sure, yes, but it's also different. And let's face it, every story is just a retelling of a story that came before it, and that's that. Nothing can be original anymore. But if they had done this film wrong, that would have been a shame. Instead this movie is wholly satisfying and entertaining.
MrGKB ...that's not enough to necessarily prompt a recommendation, if that makes any sense. Gaby "Field of Dreams" Hoffman, portrays her protagonist role with reasonable credibility, but truthfully she's still a pale shadow compared to obvious predecessors like Mia "Rosemary's Baby" Farrow and Lee "The Omen" Remick. The rest of the cast doesn't register terribly well, either, and I'll not comment further about that on the basis of discretion being the better part of criticism.No, as is almost always the case, "Lyle"'s problems boil down to the script, in this instance by its tyro director. The plot is little more than a secularized retelling of the above-mentioned films cloaked in a meaningless lesbian domesticity, involving characters so sparsely sketched as to be virtual ciphers, mere placeholders. In short, there's little to make us care about them, to draw us into Leah's increasingly paranoiac situation. We've seen all this before, and "Lyle" offers nothing new to entertain us, or frighten us, or illuminate us in any way. An extra twenty minutes of backstory and/or character development might have helped; I really don't know. Conversely, twenty minutes trimmed might have produced a tighter, tauter story with some genuine tension, tension that "Lyle" lacks almost completely.I have to look at this one as a vanity project, a learning exercise that never really shook off its developmental shackles and fully breathed, a premature birth, perhaps, in service to some greater, yet frustratingly ambiguous goal.Unless you're a fan of one of the actors or the production crew, "Lyle" is regrettably dispensable.
zero_destiny_0 This movie masquerades under the guise of woman-driven horror movie, but the reality, as they say, cannot be farther from the truth. This clumsily shot film centers around a main character, a pregnant lesbian woman, who loses her toddler when said toddler falls out a window. She then spirals downward into deepening insanity as she is determined to protect her unborn child from everything and everyone, and everyone, she thinks, is out to get her.It sounds like a fair premise, but the way it is told is very poorly done. The story is dull, hold no rhythm, and makes no sense. There is no rhyme or reason to her thought process or actions; even insanity must give some kind of twisted reason, but in this movie there is none of that. It tries to go into a five minute introduction to perhaps some kind of supernatural deal with the devil, but without explanation or further study it becomes pointless and confuses the viewer.As a horror movie, Lyle fails in a spectacular fashion. There are no scares, at all. There are no jump scares, no psychological thrill, and, perhaps worse of all, not even a single tense moment. The boring camera views and bleak colors do nothing to help this movie either.I am sad I wasted my time viewing this during free time better spent on virtually anything else. I would not give a single dollar to their next movie if this is the best they have to show for their lazy, half-baked efforts.