Lulu on the Bridge
Lulu on the Bridge
PG-13 | 21 September 1999 (USA)
Lulu on the Bridge Trailers

This film is about a famous jazz saxophonist, Izzy, whose life is forever changed after he is accidentally shot.

Executscan Expected more
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
samkan I first separate films such as this (some refer to them as "art" films) into two categories. Does the maker(s) take the attitude, "I'm an insightful, sensitive genius and if you fail to notice you're an imbecile." or does he/she/they make an attempt to have the work be interesting and thought provoking to the average person? I put LULU in the latter category. It seems to me the work was truly trying to place some positive human attributes, aspirations, etc., above this life of suffering and sorrow. The acting was also exceptionally good.But even if a film passes the sincerity test, it does not necessarily mean it works and/or is a great film. LULU lacks the sheer audacity of a David Lynch flick, the disturbing impact of a Von Triar movie or the passion of a Herzog effort (I'd throw Aranofsky in, but he's really mainstream). Its enjoyable enough to watch but I didn't find myself torturing myself later on to find answers because I just don't think there was enough behind LULU's creation to make examination efforts worthwhile. I am left with some pleasant thoughts of love and life angst. But LULU just doesn't qualify as a heavy; e.g., like BLUE VELVET, DOGVILLE, or GRIZZLY MAN. Would definitely watch another film by this dude though.
deepak-ram There are bad movies. And then there are those that go beyond. This is one such film. If any hopes are held that Harvey Kietel's presence itself will imply some quality, they are belied here!It's a poor movie in so many ways. To begin with, the storyline is ridiculous - there's barely any plot, and still the movie drags on and on. Dialogues are mediocre - there are several occasions when Harvey breaks down based on words which seem absolutely mundane! So, we've a poor storyline, and poor dialogues - what's left? Yes, the acting. That's sketchy too, in case you were hopeful! not one single character seems to fit into his or her role...there's a whole bunch of uneasy actors trying to make a movie tick!in a word, i'd say - avoid this movie with all your might!
Robin Cook I rented this DVD online and after it arrived I wondered what possessed me to order it at the time. The odd title and the seemingly droll storyline of a depressed musician was my first reflection of memory, but knew I HAD to have had a good reason to rent it. Knowing nothing of the artsy stuff in the movie realm, I do appreciate art when I see it and feel it ... and this movie has art written all over it. In viewing the great sculpture of The Thinker, this movie was sculptured with caring hands/thought and designed by a true thinking and uniquely creative artist.One area of imperfection here is that the sex scenes could have been lessened and shortened as I felt it took much away from the movie's fine craft(iness). Fast-forward 2x, 4x all the way to 8x .. sex scene way too long. Padding or filler .. should have been on the editing cutter's floor.This movie was more of a sculpture made of marble or bronze or perhaps gold? ... or silver? It has a beauty that is not easily defined or describable, but when viewed it leaves one with a distinct impression of stunning and thoughtful awe. After viewing, I asked myself how could the title have been made better, but the symbolism involved of the one scene makes the title appropriate and yet carved with a slight Mona Lisa grin.Harvey Keitel's character was unique and I can't imagine anyone else being able to pull it off as he managed to do. I watched the movie as it unfolded each new particle of new thought to bridge to another, leaving me with using my own skills to fill in pieces and parts .. which was really enjoyable to do! And then, the surprise at the end, which I won't reveal, was charming and captivating. This one I'll definitely watch again before returning it in the mail and am considering buying it for my library. If you don't like symbolism, and are not a deep thinker, you'll not like this movie. This one is definitely a Criterion Collection formula. I can't say enough about it, but yet can't convey in words to properly give it the kudos that it deserves. Not a 10 vote, but a 15 or 20!
myfriendisataco I see that opinions for Lulu are either 'I loved it' or 'I hated it.' There's a good reason. This is a very different film, with spiritual and other-worldly overtones -- it's definitely spooky. I could not have imagined where the story finally ended up, but it requires a lot of imagination to understand it (think, "Where does the mind go when it loses consciousness? And, what is the real meaning of 'time'?"). If you don't like it, that's fine -- maybe you just don't get it. Nothing wrong with that -- it's pretty deep. But for me, it's a form of pure entertainment that I cannot find anywhere else. I loved it. I bought a copy on DVD. I tell my friends about it. The ending is a definite surprise, but there are lots of other surprises throughout. Why not find out for yourself?
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