Lucky Me
Lucky Me
NR | 09 April 1954 (USA)
Lucky Me Trailers

Three struggling theatrical performers meet a famous songwriter who is trying to convince a wealthy oilman to finance a musical he is scripting, promising them stardom if it comes to fruition.

Micitype Pretty Good
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
HotToastyRag After you watch Lucky Me, you'll realize that Doris Day didn't only make silly movies in the 1960s. Luckily for us-pun intended-the silly movies of the 1950s aren't that bad. This one has one cute song in it, "The Blue Bells of Broadway". The other ones are pretty mediocre, and you'll join good company-yours truly-if you get this one confused with Starlift and The West Point Story, two other Doris Day movies with similar play-within-a-play plots.The story is pretty similar to the delightful comedy Happy Go Lovely, starring Vera-Ellen and David Niven. A wannabe actress in a struggling, small-time theater group meets a rich playboy and doesn't know who he is. As the pair falls in love, her theater friends try to milk him for all he's worth. Happy Go Lovely is a much more endearing movie, but if you liked it, you'll probably be drawn to watching a similar flick.Co-starring Phil Silvers, Robert Cummings, Eddie Foy, Jr., Nancy Walker, and Martha Hyer, you'll have plenty of entertaining moments to carry you through. However, I doubt Lucky Me will reach the top of anyone's favorite movie list.
TheLittleSongbird 'Lucky Me' is very much like another Doris Day film 'The West Point Story' (or 'Fine and Dandy as it's credited here) in that great talent was involved and that it should have been a good film and shouldn't have gone wrong, even if it wasn't an instant classic.Not so luckily, 'Lucky Me' is sadly a misfire, though not an unwatchable one, that somehow did go wrong. It's worth seeing if you're a Doris Day completest, speaking as one right now on a quest to see all her films including the ones that have been watched many times and are favourites, but not much else. Although it actually does not show that Day didn't want to do 'Lucky Me', she did deserve better and it is one of her weaker films. 'The West Point Story' had a lot of faults, was cheaper looking and had no show-stoppers when crying out for them, but it utilised its cast better and had slightly better songs.With that being said, she is the best thing about it. Her singing is delightful, as it always was regardless of the quality of the song (although there are no hits), and she has a bright natural charm and breezy gusto that livens things up when desperately needed.She's not the only good element fortunately. 'Lucky Me' needed Technicolor and gets it with lavish and vibrantly colourful treatment. Didn't think much of the songs overall, but "I Speak to the Stars" and "I Wanna Sing Like an Angel" are sublime, the former the only one deserving of minor hit status though, and "The Superstition Song" is catchy. Phil Silvers is an acquired taste, still don't know what my overall stance is because it is always dependent on the material, but has some amusing and likable moments, though he has been much funnier (as well as more grating).Unfortunately, the rest of the songs are not that memorable and a couple not worth mentioning. Personally myself cringing my way through "Men" despite the presence of Day. The choreography is every bit as uninspired, with the ensembles having an under-directed and indifferent feel, it was crying out for a show-stopper and it never came.Day and Silvers aside, the cast disappoint. Robert Cummings is more than capable in comedy and drama but is completely out of his depth here. Nancy Walker and Eddie Foy are criminally underused, especially Walker, who is a hoot when the material is good (which it wasn't here and there wasn't enough of it). Martha Hyer wildly overplays and comes over as irritating, even in a role that was meant to be on the annoying side (but you can still do that while being funny and charming at the same time, here you want Hyer to shut up and go away).The direction is going through-the-motions-like. The script is as limp as soggy cucumber sandwiches and has humour that is both under-cooked and overdone that it feels bland and grating. Worse is the threadbare, ridiculous and often forced story that lacked focus and kept going off in under-explored tangents.In conclusion, despite being a fan of Day it was a not so lucky experience. 4/10 Bethany Cox
Brent Trafton "Lucky Me" gives you everything you want in a musical and more. All the songs are catchy; the banter is quick and witty; there are some big dance productions; and of course, the one and only Doris Day.Most films from Doris Day leave me wishing there were more musical numbers, but "Lucky Me" has just the right amount. The plot is thin and the romance does not start until about halfway through, but who cares? This film is a whole lot of fun.If you are a Doris Day fan, this is a must. If not, then this is a good a place as any to find out about one of the greatest entertainers of all time. She can sing. She can dance. She can be really funny.If you like upbeat, colorful musicals, then check out "Lucky Me."
JETTCO48 With regard to the earlier contributor to this thread, "LUCKY ME" most certainly WAS the FIRST MUSICAL in CinemaScope to be released.Of the two examples he quotes, firstly: "How to Marry a Millionaire" was NOT a musical. Can he name any songs from it, or tell me who sang them? I think not!Secondly: "A Star is Born" was not released in the States until September, 1954. "Lucky Me" was released in April, 1954.Twentieth Century Fox's own musical entry in the CinemaScope stakes - "There's No Business Like Show Business" was not released until December, 1954.Therefore, "LUCKY ME" was most definitely the first musical in CinemaScope.What a pity this one didn't go into production before "Calamity Jane", then we might have had a much worthier movie as the first!