| 17 October 2014 (USA)
Lucent Trailers

Through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage, Lucent explores the darker side of Australia's pig farming industry, highlighting the day-to-day cruelty accepted by the industry as standard practice.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
shaun-50557 I live in the UK and have had many vegan you tubers mention this film so thought I would give it a go. I've watched a lot of clips and videos of UK farming so didn't expect to see anything new or shocking in this film. Lucent walks you through the pigs industry in Australia from pregnancy, birth, growth and finally slaughter. There was nothing new that I hadn't seen before but that's what made it worse in so many ways. The majority of society find it acceptable to treat pigs and other animals this way, they form part of a production line like they're a non descript item like a table rather than a sentient being that suffers and feels pain. From the artificial insemination, mutilation of the piglets, filthy and tiny conditions, physical abuse to the eventual slaughter it makes grim watching. I think this is an excellent documentary that should be compulsory viewing for everyone that enjoys a bacon sandwich or pork chop, it may make people rethink things a little.
Angry Human Watched it and it made me so angry that humans do such things to these innocent creatures. We as humanity have failed miserably on this planet and would be the main reason for the next extinction if it happens. Compassion is what should drive us. Ignoring this cruelty is not the answer. Humans should unite and spread more awareness on this issue. If anyone wants to further know what the consequences of pig farming and in general animal farming is watch the video of 1.4 million pigs and many more chicken being buried alive in South Korea. This is what we as humans have done to other species. These videos are on Youtube, those pigs we crying in agony but humans just don't care. This corporate world is just money no matter how much suffering is involved.
sharron64 The single most powerful film I have ever seen. Australians have a catch cry 'but it doesn't happen in Australia' when confronted with images of animal abuse. This film is here to tell you it does happen in Australia. When confronted with animal abuse footage we also have another saying 'it's a rogue operator'. This film also shows that it is common practice throughout Australia to allow animals to suffer unimaginably in factory farms. This is a must watch if you consume animals. You have to know where your food came from & how it came to be on your plate. You cannot have your head in the sand anymore. Come to the light.
Donna Misanthropist Winterbottom A deeply moving and highly informative expose of the Australian pig industry. Lucent tells the story you need to hear and shows the images you need to see. Factually presented with irrefutable video evidence from 50 different pig farms,you will not be able to question nor deny the truth ever again. You will, however, question why these things are allowed to continue. The light has been shone on an horrific industry. Lucent also reveals similar issues with all animal agriculture, including cattle and dairy, sheep, chickens, ducks and turkeys. The narration successfully educates the viewer with informative and emotive content. Superbly directed, Lucent is a film that will remain in your thoughts long after the credits have rolled.