Love Exposure
Love Exposure
NR | 13 May 2011 (USA)
Love Exposure Trailers

The story of a teenage boy named Yu, who falls for Yoko, a girl he runs into while working as an "up-skirt" photographer in an offshoot of the porn industry. His attempts to woo her are complicated by a spot of cross-dressing – which convinces Yoko that she is lesbian – dalliances with kung-fu and crime, and a constant struggle with the guilt that's a legacy of his Catholic upbringing.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Mio Mao We are talking psychological drama hidden in light and humorous atmosphere with a fantastic delivery! Although light, eccentric and even absurd, the general feeling of the film doesn't seem parodic (for the most part!).Everything that happens, looking from a psychological aspect, kind of makes sense. All the characters' (which you are so easily drawn by) reactions, development, morale behind their actions add up to where the plot leads them.What Mr. Sion Sono wanted to do (and succeeded in) with this movie is tell a story about actions and reactions, about how people from similar backgrounds can easily be both same, yet so different. It's a story about love, pain, strength, devotion, kindness and ultimately, morale.4 hour length of the movie is very justified by the complexity of the plot. Not only we are able to connect to characters, the storyline picks up many turns and twists we never expected and changes genre as the story progresses.I must not fail to mention, if you aren't open minded, skip it. If you get triggered by people not being heteronormative then skip it. Dislike Japanese cinematography and humor? Ehh, maybe skip it as well. Hardcore religious? Yeah, definitely skip it. Fetishism makes you uncomfortable? Hard skip, otherwise, you are in for a treat, especially if you have been enjoying a lot of movies and a lot of genres (it would definitely help if you watched some film festival movies featuring different cultures). Fantastic work Mr. Sion Sono, for this movie I thank you sincerely!
Leofwine_draca LOVE EXPOSURE is a film unlike anything else you've ever seen before or since (although Sion Sono's follow-up movies, made as part of his unconnected trilogy, COLD FISH and GUILTY OF ROMANCE, come close at times). It's an incredibly quirky romance story that concerns a love triangle between three messed-up characters. One of them is a sinister cultist, another a loveless girl who hates men, the third a pervert with a fine line in upskirt photography.All of these elements come together in one epic story that's very well shot and somehow beautiful despite the often crude themes and very graphic elements of the storyline. It's a film that mixes together a critique of Catholicism with religious cults, voyeurism, pornography, mental health, terrorism, family relationships, and even some karate into one hectic mix. At four hours this is a real test of the viewer's ability to take this incessantly crazy storytelling and I confess that I watched it in two settings as I think one would have been just too much for me to take.The film boasts fully-rounded characters and psychological depth that you don't often get in the world of Japanese cult cinema. It's a throwback to 1970s-era Japanese exploitation with the character of 'Miss Scorpion' straight out of that decade. It's very funny and completely outrageous, delving down some dark and explicit avenues that most filmmakers wouldn't dare to go. The whole thing builds to a real crescendo with a great and uplifting climax. Most of all, it's very entertaining, surprisingly poignant at times, and Sono sustains the interest from beginning to end. A graphic, unashamed, high art story that keeps on delivering.
varun_120 Well, its a four hour film. I had to watch it in 2 sittings. But I was not bored for a second. Yuu, is a catholic boy whose longs for his father's affection, and in order to confess to his priest his to get his attention ends up taking and mastering erotic pictures of girls in public. He falls in love with Yoko who hates her father and ends up living with her father's ex girlfriend. Koike who killed her own father, who is an original sinner, hatches up a plan to convert Yuu's family to her cult.Yuu tries to get his love Yoko, and counters the plan of Koike, but it all ends up in a huge chaos. Like other Japanese films, its a bit quaint, but again very well made. This film is not for everybody for sure. There's erections (in pants, not real) and upskirt scenes throughout the film. But they are important and the story demands them.The movie films a bit ridiculous and unreal sometimes, but never boring though. That's the cool thing about the Japanese films, the are a but different but still very good. It's a mind blowing love story, a love story that's explosive, which pretty much justifies its name. The climax seems it should have come a bit earlier but thats all right. Cinematography is pretty good, overall a top notch film. Worth watching if you want to view a different type of love story.
eternalkp I feel envy to the people who haven't seen this movie; because you get to experience it for the first time. And what an experience. 4 hours of sheer a very good way. The same feeling when I first see Battle awe. "Time flies when you're having fun." How true. You would never know how long the movie is until it ends, and I wish it would never end. I hope the 6hours version will be released one day. I'm not going to bore you guys with the details of the movie. That's what google is for. Just go out and rent or buy it. I get to experience it on bluray. I became an instant fan of Hikari Mitsushima. A must see for Asian film lovers.