Normal Life
Normal Life
R | 26 January 1996 (USA)
Normal Life Trailers

Chris Anderson and his wife Pam live a fairly normal life until Chris loses his job on the police force and secretly turns to robbing banks to make his wife's dreams come true. Upon discovering his secret, she joins his deadly crime wave and together they terrorize an unsuspecting suburban town.

Ploydsge just watch it!
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Woodyanders Idealistic and compassionate cop Chris Anderson (an excellent performance by Luke Perry) marries the beautiful and alluring, but extremely troubled, unstable, selfish, and self-destructive Pam (superbly played with gut-wrenching anguish by Ashley Judd). When Pam's constant spending puts them in a severe financial hole, Chris resorts to robbing banks in order to pay off their mounting bills. Director John McNaughton, working from a sharp and incisive script by Peg Haller and Bob Schneider, expertly explores the grim underside of an extremely dysfunctional love gone seriously awry, the dangers of falling for and becoming involved with the wrong person, and how a bad person can have a profound toxic effect on another basically descent person while firmly grounding the bleak, despairing, and nihilistic story in a totally plausible everyday suburbanite reality. The two leads both do sterling work: Perry's Chris makes for a touching and sympathetic protagonist as he does everything he can to make the incredibly messed-up Pam happy while Judd brings a castic humor, raw energy, and fierce intensity to Pam that positively bursts off the screen. Moreover, there are sound supporting turns by Jim True-Frost as Chris' loyal friend Mike, Dawn Maxey as Pam's smitten lesbian coworker Eva, Kate Walsh as Chris' concerned sister Cindy, Michael Skewes as the antagonistic Officer Swift, and Tom Towles as Chris' sickly dad Frank. The uncompromisingly downbeat ending packs a powerful emotional gut punch. Both Jean de Segonzac's polished cinematography and the moody score by McNaughton and Ken Hale are up to speed. A real bang-up sleeper of a grim and haunting movie.
Wizard-8 "Normal Life" was barely given a theatrical release by its studio, Fine Line. That's a shame, because there is a lot that is worthy in this movie. John McNaughton was a good choice to direct this movie, because in "Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer", he showed he had a talent for showing those in lower class positions with low self esteem - just like the two main characters in this movie. These characters have high ambitions and try to do better (at least initially), but they are shot down by themselves and their surrounding society. They want, but don't get, respect. The movie is focused on their insides, not much on what surrounds them like their jobs. They are drawn together because they are two lost souls - they at least have that to share. The two actors are excellent in their roles (Luke Perry sheds his pretty-boy image completely here.) The movie is not perfect - there are a few details that are not explained (like what exactly is used to justify Perry's character's firing from his job.) Also, the movie is a bit too long, more noticeably in the first half of the movie - cutting fifteen or so minutes from the movie would have helped. But despite these faults, the movie is still well worth seeking out.
shepardjessica-1 This was surprisingly good (based on a true story) about a young couple who get in over their heads. Luke Perry (who I've never liked as an actor) is believable as the cop-husband who loses track. Ashley Judd, a lovely and talented actress who makes too many bad films, is edgy, sardonic, and nihilistic in a beautiful and frightening way. She cooks the space surrounding her and it's a joy to see.A 7 out of 10. Best performance = Ashley Judd. If Ms. Judd made more films like this, she would be respected more instead of being lusted after quite so much. She needs better advisers when it comes to her film choices (just my opinion; I think she's great). This film probably did no business, but it's worth your time and very human.
nayrasher One night while living in New Zealand I was flicking around all 3 channels that we got when I stopped on this movie...due to the stat-laden cast. Luke Perry and Ashley Judd. I was sold, well until I watched it. The movie would have been a total loss were it not for the lightspeed sex scenes. From start to finish they lasted around 30 seconds, as Perry humped away like a first-time teen. The frequency of these short encounters was also an added plus. I was able to put up with his mustache just in hopes of seeing more ridiculous sex scenes. I guess it was his years of bedroom romance on 90210 that tought him how to make love like a real man.