Lost in Thailand
Lost in Thailand
NR | 12 December 2012 (USA)
Lost in Thailand Trailers

Lost in Thailand is the story of two rival business managers, Xu and Bo, who are fighting over a revolutionary new in-house technology for control of their company. If Xu wins, his future will be secured. The critical task is to secure control over the shares of the chairman, who is at a retreat in Thailand. Xu catches the first plane to Bangkok, where he meets the happy-go-lucky Wang, an unexpected travel companion who will open his eyes to life's true priorities.

Steineded How sad is this?
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
edwebo I saw another review complaining about Chinese people in Thailand and it annoyed me enough that I felt like I should write a review that actually comments on the movie itself. So here goes:I very much enjoyed this film! And although it's not going to win an Oscar, I can see why it was so big upon release. Also, it's about time China made something in response to all the Hollywood equivalents out there.A rather predictable storyline, but the script and the acting will keep you entertained from the get-go. Even though the stories are not exactly similar, the feeling I get from this film is akin to that of "The Hangover" - absurd situations, disaster-moviesque and vivid cinematography. The differences between "Lost in Thailand" and "The Hangover", is that LiT is far more family friendly, and far more emotionally involved. I do feel however, that many non-Chinese, especially Westerners, understandably enough, will not appreciate some of the more China- specific humour. Fortunately though this isn't enough of a factor to stop anyone enjoying it. In fact, if you're willing you might learn something new.Sure, the script and the acting on more than one occasion could be more subtle and artistic, but that's not what this movie is about. It's pure entertainment and if you go into it with your brain switched off and your heart switched on, you won't be disappointed :D
alex018 Sadly, this is another lame movie that passes for popular in China. It's disappointing to see that Wang Baoqing has a knack for playing a painfully annoying character; Wang is pretty good at being an ordinary guy in indie movies, i.e. the amazing Blind Shaft. Here, Wang is cartoonishly destructive and annoying, and armed with a cactus. He's supposed to be a hapless idiot, but really he seems to want to be an injurious nincompoop.The boss is another character that seems outlandish to me, but maybe less so to Chinese audiences. I find it hard to fathom someone so stiff and smarmy. Compared to these wackos, Xu is too straight. Perhaps it's that I'm American, but I can't see past this. With good Chinese independent films, there is little lost in translation; it's a smack of reality. With this movie, I can't seem to enjoy Chinese-style wacky comedy.
W Wong Quite disappointed. It may because I over-expected this movie as its business success in the Mainland market. The previous chapter was very funny and with a meaningful main theme - spring movement. However, this chapter seems lack of a theme. The two main characters had no breakthrough . Even with a new character (Huang), it did not help a lot. The appearance of Fan was expected but it seems that it is the only attractive point of this movie. Interactions between two characters are all expected. The storyline is straight. The movie is not funny at all. Even considering the soft marketing purpose of this movie, Thailand is not look attractive and with its characteristics being captured in this movie.
Jenny Jiang Seeing as this is the number 1 Chinese film currently, I had high hopes for what this movie could bring. I also heard it was a comedic film, but most of the time, the thought that often crossed my mind was, "Why am I still here watching this?" The two main characters, Xu Lang and Baobao, have an interesting relationship, but every time they argue, it's something quite expected.For me, there wasn't much to the storyline of the movie. It was one argument, then the easy making up, and continuation of Baobao's Thailand checklist. Baobao is not a very intelligent character, yet he's kind and helpful. He's frustrating because he constantly messes up Xu Lang's plans, but he's very apologetic.Also, the resolution of the movie, although happy, was cliché and somewhat boring.In conclusion, take heed when you watch this movie. I suggest not going to the theaters to watch this, but if you really want to, wait till it comes out for rental.