Looking for Grace
Looking for Grace
| 26 January 2016 (USA)
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When rebellious 16-year-old Grace takes off, her exasperated mum and dad enlist the help of a close-to-retirement detective, and begin the long drive from Perth out to the West Australian wheatbelt to try to find her. On the journey, the two must confront the realities of their changing relationship to one another, and to their daughter…

Wordiezett So much average
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
david-rector-85092 Another disappointment for me, from the local film industry for 2016. After an awe-inspiring 2015, I guess the next year could never live up to it, but so far there doesn't seem to have been either a runaway hit nor an impressive Australian movie to cheer for. 'Looking For Grace' is sadly looking for a purpose, as it seems to be very caught up in its conceit, but not really making any great insights or character development during its healthy 100 minute duration.I've enjoyed some of Sue Brooks' earlier work; especially 'Road to Nihill' but this one just fell flat and felt overdone and without credulity. Why Radha Mitchell's lead character was allowed to cultivate such an over the top accent; escapes me. It made her seem a caricature and the serious storyline reduced to whimsy or light comedy. Lkewise thespian for many decades,Richard Roxburgh was painfully broad and faux comedic, where a more grounded and considered performance would have worked so much better. As with 'The Daughter' (another disappointing and forced dramatic work), Odessa Young really saves this movie too. With a naturalistic style and interesting presence, the actress really gives 'Looking for Grace' its saving grace, as the protagonist to this very choppy and muddy narrative. At the other end of the age spectrum, veteran Terry Norris brings real warmth and character to the film; but again the plot inserts him but doesn't really explain how he is there and how he is able to help the main characters. Ultimately, the plot and the film really don't hang together, and combined with some woeful over- acting, it is hard to get too excited about this movie.Per capita, Australia must have more skilled cinematographers than any country in the world, and 'Looking for Grace' thankfully has a terrific eye in Katie Milwright who gives the film a terrific sense of place and scope. I only wish that the screenplay had provided everybody something more coherent and meaningful to work with.
fables1959 My wife and I endured an hour of "Looking for Grace" before we both conceded that life is too short to waste on crap like this and walked out of the cinema. The acting was tedious, the pacing horrendous, the script a dogs breakfast and it was just a painful experience. The timing of the actors was shocking, it was like watching the early rehearsals of a poorly directed stage play, I think the director was on sleeping tablets at the time of the directing! Australian movies have enough trouble drawing big audiences which is wrong,our movies are up there with the best in the world, this dud however is not in that category and will certainly not attract too many "bums" on seats.
peterjday So looking forward to this movie and really disappointed. Just doesn't work. Concluding dramatic event towards end of the film seems quite pointless and a bit "Home & Away" overdone. Where was 'James's' story? The acting was good but script woeful. Great camera and beautiful scenery. Why do we need to see countless long scenes of nothing in various country motel rooms??? Way too many pauses and silent moments to ponder ... not really much at all. The 'work relationship' was almost slapstick and didn't fit the mood of the film at all. After looking for Grace, they seem to bump into her terribly easy. Maybe someone should advise the police that they could Google where the concert was going to be held!
P E About 25 minutes into the film, my wife leaned over to me and whispered, "Are we in the right cinema?".I was wondering the same thing myself. What we were seeing was not what we were expecting, based on the publicity materials. Was this trying to be an art-house film? Is this the depths to which Australian cinema has descended?The pace of the movie was slow, with quite unimaginative direction. The idea of slicing a story so that it is seen from various perspectives is not new, and has been executed far better in other movies. But if you are going to do that you need to make sure that the sequences are directed in a snappy fashion.The script was also weak. There were some areas that were clearly under-developed; some areas that went on far too long and were in need of some decent script editing; some parts that were really not required at all (what did Bruce's story add?); and other ideas (such as the "Rosemary's driving" running gag) that simply fell flat. A couple of the scenes with Norris and Roxburgh had spark, but we are talking two experienced actors here.I assume that some pruning had already taken place, as there were some threads mentioned earlier in the film that were not followed through at all.In summary, this came across as a good idea for a short film (for a final year student). How on earth anyone was convinced to green light this as a fully fledged feature speaks well of the persuasive powers of those involved.